Information is exploratory. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the school.


Graduate School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry of Paris (ESPCI) — public non-profit institution. It is located in Paris, France.

ESPCI conducts scientific activity in several areas. More information can be found on the official site.

Paris, France
Establishment year
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ESPCI tuition fees

The academic year at ESPCI is continuous. It means that students have no break between courses. However, for convenience, tuition fees are calculated per year. French programs at ESPCI start from 161 USD per year. Before admission, you should pass a language exam at least at a B2 level. English programs are about twice as expensive. The exact cost of programs and information on the availability of scholarships can be found on the website of the university.

When choosing an educational institution, it is important to be aware of additional costs: accommodation, transportation, study materials, meals and personal expenses.

Academic calendar

Bachelor degree at ESPCI

Admission to the bachelor's programs is based on the results of entrance examinations.

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ESPCI campus

The university campus is located within Paris. University students have access to the library. It contains a collection of scientific papers, textbooks and fiction. The educational institution provides students with everything for playing sports: from athletic grounds to various clubs. Not only locals study at ESPCI, but also students from other countries. This is a unique opportunity to get in touch with the culture of other countries, meet representatives of different nationalities and make friends around the world.

Sport Facilities

What to do after graduation

It is possible to stay in France for an additional 18 months after graduation. To do this, you need to apply for a graduate visa, which allows you to work without providing an offer from an employer. We talk about other options for immigration in our article.

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