Information is exploratory. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the school.

About AP

Artesis Plantin University of Antwerp (AP) — public non-profit college. It is located in Antwerpen, Belgium. AP is an active member of Antwerp University Association (AUHA).

AP conducts scientific activity in several areas. More information can be found on the official site.

Antwerpen, Belgium
Establishment year
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AP tuition fees

The academic calendar at AP is divided into two semesters, as in many other universities in Belgium. For convenience, tuition fees are calculated per year. Tuition fees here are different for locals and foreigners. For locals, it starts from 1,072 USD, and for foreigners — a minimum of 965 USD. The university provides tuition assistance to some students through financial aid programs. They are available to both locals and foreigners. For up-to-date information on scholarships and the cost of education for each program, check the official website of the educational institution.

Also, be prepared for additional expenses: accommodation, transportation, study materials, meals and personal expenses.

Academic calendar
Financial Aid

Bachelor degree at AP

Students are accepted to bachelor's programs at AP based on the results of entrance exams.

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AP campus

The campus of AP is located in Antwerpen. The urban campus is suitable for those students who, firstly, are used to independence, and secondly, cannot imagine their life without the hustle and bustle of a big metropolis. The school has a library where students can do their homework or just relax. AP regularly invites foreign students to participate in exchange programs. For locals, this is a unique opportunity to get in touch with the cultures of other countries, meet representatives of different nationalities and make friends around the world.

Campus Type

What to do after graduation

After graduation, you can stay in Belgium for another year. You can do this by extending your student visa or applying for a job search visa. Look for more immigration options in our article.

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Universities in Belgium

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