Information is exploratory. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the school.

About MU-Plovdiv

Plovdiv Medical University (MU-Plovdiv) — public for-profit university. It is located in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

MU-Plovdiv carries out research in several scientific areas.

Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Establishment year
Acceptance rate
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MU-Plovdiv tuition fees

The academic calendar at MU-Plovdiv is divided into two semesters. For convenience, tuition fees are calculated per year. One year of studying at MU-Plovdiv will cost local citizens a minimum of 547 USD. For foreigners, the tuition fee is different — from 5,000 USD per year. Check the university website for up-to-date information on prices and available scholarships.

In addition to the cost of education, it is necessary to pay attention to additional costs: accommodation, transportation, study materials, meals and personal expenses.

Academic calendar

MU-Plovdiv campus

MU-Plovdiv has an urban campus, which provides students with many options for study and recreation. The abundance of museums, theaters and cinemas creates opportunities for the cultural development of young people. In the city, there are also large companies that offer internships. There is a library on the grounds of the university. There are collected scientific works of graduates and teachers of the university, as well as fiction. MU-Plovdiv regularly invites foreign students to participate in exchange programs. For locals, this is a unique opportunity to get in touch with the cultures of other countries, meet representatives of different nationalities and make friends around the world.

Campus Type
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What to do after graduation

You can stay in Bulgaria for up to 9 months after graduation by applying for a job seeker visa. This must be done before the student visa expires. Look for more immigration options in our article.

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Universities in Bulgaria