Information is exploratory. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the school.

About UVVG Arad

Vasile Goldiș Western University of Arad (UVVG Arad) — private non-profit university. It is located in Arad, Romania. It is a modern higher education institution, established in 1990. UVVG Arad is an active member of European University Association (EUA), Eurasian Universities Union (EURAS), Danubes Rector's Conference (DRC), MAGNA CHARTA Observatory, Federation Europeene des Ecoles (FEDE), Alliance of Universities for Democracy (AUDEM), Association of Charpatian Region Universities (ACRU), Union for Mediterranean Rectors Conference, Euromed Permanent University Forum (EPUF), European Academy of Sciences and Arts, International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE), The ICA Regional Network for Central and South Eastern Europe, International Association of University Presidents.

UVVG Arad carries out research in several scientific areas.

Arad, Romania
Establishment year
International students
Acceptance rate
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UVVG Arad tuition fees

The academic calendar at UVVG Arad is divided into two semesters. For convenience, tuition fees are calculated per year. Tuition fees at UVVG Arad for local citizens starts from 215 USD per year. For international students, the cost of study differs — from 5,000 USD. The university has several financial aid programs that help students cover part of the cost of education. The exact cost of programs and information on the availability of scholarships can be found on the website of the university.

In addition to the cost of education, it is necessary to pay attention to additional costs: accommodation, transportation, study materials, meals and personal expenses.

Academic calendar
Financial Aid

UVVG Arad campus

The city campus of UVVG Arad provides students with countless opportunities for work and recreation — from sitting in a coffee shop with a laptop to internships at large companies. Arad has a well developed entertainment infrastructure, but the rhythm of the big city can be distracting for some students. The educational institution has its own library. Here, students do their homework or just have a good time reading an interesting book. The exchange of intercultural experience occupies a special place in training at UVVG Arad. The educational institution regularly invites foreign students to participate in exchange programs and organizes various joint events.

Campus Type
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What to do after graduation

If you want to stay in Romania after graduation, one of your options is to apply for a work visa. To do this, you need to get an offer from an employer. Look for more immigration options in our article.

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