Information is exploratory. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the school.

About Ratcliffe College

Ratcliffe College — private for-profit christian high school. It is located in Leicester, United Kingdom.

Ratcliffe College conducts research in many fields of study. For more information, visit the official site.

Leicester, United Kingdom
Establishment year
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Ratcliffe College tuition fees

The academic year at Ratcliffe College is divided into trimesters. For convenience, tuition fees are calculated per year. The educational institution helps with tuition fees through financial support programs. They are available to local and international students. For up-to-date information on scholarships and the cost of education for each program, check the official website of the educational institution.

In addition to the cost of education, it is necessary to pay attention to additional costs: accommodation, transportation, study materials, meals and personal expenses.

Academic calendar
Financial Aid

Bachelor degree at Ratcliffe College

It is not possible to enter an undergraduate program at Ratcliffe College after the 11th grade. In United Kingdom, school education lasts longer than 11 years, so applicants need to complete one of the preparatory programs (A-Levels, IB, Foundation, etc.), or study for a year at a university in their home country.

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Ratcliffe College campus

The rural campus of Ratcliffe College is a great opportunity to get an education in the fresh air. Thanks to this location type, students collaborate more closely with each other during their studies and outside of academic activities, creating a close-knit student community. Other advantages of the rural campus include access to various types of outdoor recreation and fewer distractions from study.

The university students have access to the library. It is an integral part of learning. Students come here for educational literature or to do their homework. The university has many opportunities for sports. There are sports grounds and various clubs.

Campus Type
Sport Facilities

What to do after graduation

After graduation from the university, students can stay in the country for 1 year. To do this, you need to extend your student visa or apply for a job seeker visa. You can find other options for immigration in our article.

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