Information is exploratory. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the school.

About tUL

Limburg Transnational University (tUL) — private non-profit university. It is located in Diepenbeek, Belgium. It is a young higher education institution, as it was opened in 2001.

tUL carries out research in several scientific areas.

Diepenbeek, Belgium
Establishment year
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tUL tuition fees

tUL has a continuous academic calendar, which means that students don't have a break between courses. However, tuition fees are calculated per year. For local citizens, tuition fees at tUL start from 1,072 USD. International students pay a minimum of 2,500 USD per year. On the official website of the university, you can find all the up-to-date information on tuition fees and available scholarships.

Also, be prepared for additional expenses: accommodation, transportation, study materials, meals and personal expenses.

Academic calendar

tUL campus

The campus of the educational institution is suburban. It combines the features of a rural and urban campus. Students live separately from the city and create a close-knit community. At the same time, they are not very far from the city and have access not only to urban entertainment, such as cinemas and restaurants, but also to outdoor activities. The university has a library where students can do their homework, write scientific papers or just read interesting books. Student life at tUL is filled with intercultural activities, as not only local students study here, but also students from abroad. The exchange of knowledge and experience, networking and new acquaintances — all this is an integral part of studenthood.

Campus Type
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What to do after graduation

Students are allowed to stay in the country for a year after graduation. To do this, you need to extend your student visa or apply for a job seeker visa. You can find other options for immigration in our article.

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Universities in Belgium

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