Подходящий ментор — первый шаг к успеху

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Выбрать ментора


  • The Sapienza University of Rome, бакалавр в области бизнес администрирования и экономики
  • Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ, бакалавр международных экономических отношений (Мировая экономика и международный бизнес)
  • Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ, магистр высшей школы управления (Стратегия и финансы бизнеса)

Повышение квалификации

Путешествия и образовательные поездки

  • Высшее образование
  • Среднее образование
  • Подготовительные курсы
  • Языковые курсы

Знакомство с ментором

Что самое сложное в работе ментора?

Среди многих задач, которые я выполняю как ментор, одна из самых сложных — подобрать именно ту «заветную» программу, которая отвечала бы всем пожеланиям и требованиям абитуриента. Подбор правильных учебных заведений и программ во многом влияет на результат поступления. Именно на этом этапе приходится проделывать наиболее серьезную интеллектуальную работу.

Какой вопрос вам чаще всего задают абитуриенты?

«Можно ли подавать документы одновременно в несколько вузов в разных странах?»

Сразу отвечу — не только можно, но и нужно. Это поможет минимизировать риски и повысить свои шансы на поступление.

Почему вы выбрали именно английский язык?

Мои родители сделали все, чтобы я полюбил этот язык, и внушили мне, что без английского языка просто невозможно добиться успеха в какой-либо сфере.

Сколько я себя помню, наверное, лет с четырех, английский был всегда со мной: букварь на английском, мультфильмы на английском, музыка на английском и т. д. Совсем в детстве со мной занималась мама, а далее это были частные преподаватели, с которыми я изучал язык с удовольствием. По мере взросления английский стал для меня практически родным, я мог часами слушать английское радио, смотреть телепередачи на английском и получал от всего этого особое удовольствие.

Меня всегда поражало, насколько английский распространился по всему миру, став международным языком. Ведь изначально это был язык небольшого государства, а сейчас на нем говорят на всех континентах и его изучают в каждой стране.

Не хочу преуменьшать значение других языков, но не могу не отметить, что без знания английского языка в современном мире не обойтись. Во-первых, большинство бизнес-сфер «разговаривают» именно на нем. Во-вторых, это общепризнанный язык современной цифровой эпохи. В-третьих, в поездках и путешествиях он просто незаменим. Так уж сложилось, что этот язык помогает понимать этот мир и общаться с любым человеком в любой стране.

Почему вы решили помогать студентам в поступлении за рубеж?

Еще в школьные годы я и сам очень хотел получить образование за рубежом. Тогда это казалось мне чем-то недосягаемым, однако после окончания школы моя мечта воплотилась в реальность. Мне удалось пройти обучение в одном из старейших и престижнейших университетов Европы.

Это был насыщенный период моей жизни: удивительные путешествия, знакомства с невероятными людьми, получение хорошего багажа знаний. В процессе адаптации в стране, обучения и преодоления различных трудностей, я получил уникальный жизненный опыт, который непременно пригодиться в будущем.

Очень хочется помогать амбициозным и талантливым молодым людям получать качественное образование, которое, в свою очередь, открывает много возможностей для практики в крупных компаниях и трудоустройства.

Есть ли у вас любимая страна или университет или специальность, с которыми вам нравится работать?

Мое любимое направление — это престижные вузы Великобритании и университеты Лиги Плюща.

Сколько стран вы посетили, и какая поездка запомнилась больше всего?

Мне удалось посетить тринадцать уголков нашей прекрасной планеты.

Путешествуя, я полностью погружался в культуру этих стран. Но больше всего запомнилась поездка в княжество Монако. Там мне посчастливилось посетить легендарный чемпионат Гран-при Монако и побывать в одном из самых респектабельных и старейших игорных заведений мира — казино Монте-Карло. Я действительно испытал очень крутые эмоции и невероятно острые ощущения.

Чем вы занимаетесь в свободное время, как отдыхаете?

Как только у меня появляется свободное время, я отправляюсь на плавание. Вода — это моя стихия! Также довольно часто я провожу время на занятиях по боевому самбо и играю в шахматы. Шахматами занимаюсь с детства и считаю их лучшим инструментом для саморазвития. А еще очень люблю смотреть фильмы в жанре артхаус.

Список учебных заведений с успешным зачислением

Название университетаСтранаСтепеньСпециальностьСтипендии
University of British ColumbiaCanadaBachelorInternational Economics
McGill UniversityCanadaBachelorInvestment Management
Simon Fraser UniversityCanadaBachelorInteractive Arts and Technology
Western UniversityCanadaMasterMechanical and Materials Engineering
University of TorontoCanadaBachelorComputer Science
University of AlbertaCanadaMasterMathematical and Statistical Sciences
University of MontrealCanadaMasterIndustrial Relations
McMaster UniversityCanadaBachelorSocial sciences
University of British ColumbiaCanadaBachelorManufacturing engineering
University of CalgaryCanadaBachelorMathematics
University of TorontoCanadaMasterAerospace Science and Engineering
Queen's University at KingstonCanadaBachelorDrama
McGill UniversityCanadaMasterAerospace Engineering
University of OttawaCanadaBachelorHealth Care Management
University of AlbertaCanadaBachelorAccounting
University of British ColumbiaCanadaBachelorSociology
University of WaterlooCanadaBachelorInformation Technology Management
Dalhousie UniversityCanadaMasterClinical Vision Science
University of WaterlooCanadaMasterSystems Design Engineering
University of TorontoCanadaBachelorInformation Security
University of AmsterdamNetherlandsBachelorBusiness Analytics
Eindhoven University of TechnologyNetherlandsBachelorMechanical Engineering
Utrecht UniversityNetherlandsBachelorMolecular and Biophysical Life Sciences
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlandsBachelorCivil Engineering
Leiden UniversityNetherlandsBachelorData Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of AmsterdamNetherlandsBachelorBusiness Analytics
Tilburg UniversityNetherlandsBachelorEntrepreneurship and Business Innovation
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlandsMasterQuantum Information Science & Technology
Maastricht UniversityNetherlandsBachelorEconometrics & Operations Research
Erasmus University RotterdamNetherlandsMasterArts, Culture and Society
University of AmsterdamNetherlandsMasterInternational Criminal Law
University of GroningenNetherlandsBachelorInternational Business
Wageningen UniversityNetherlandsMasterGovernance of Sustainability Transformations
Radboud UniversityNetherlandsBachelorCultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Free University AmsterdamNetherlandsMasterPhilosophy of Law and Governance
University of TwenteNetherlandsBachelorIndustrial Design Engineering
University of ManchesterUnited KingdomBachelorCognitive Neuroscience and Psychology
Imperial College LondonUnited KingdomBachelorComputing (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
University of EdinburghUnited KingdomMasterBanking Innovation and Risk Analytics
University of BirminghamUnited KingdomMasterPublic Management and Leadership
London School of Economics and Political ScienceUnited KingdomBachelorPolitics and Economics
University of ExeterUnited KingdomBachelorInternational Relations
University College LondonUnited KingdomBachelorCreative Arts and Humanities
University of GlasgowUnited KingdomMasterEnglish literature
The University of SheffieldUnited KingdomBachelorMusic and Modern Languages & Cultures
King's College LondonUnited KingdomBachelorPolitics, Philosophy & Law LLB
University of LiverpoolUnited KingdomBachelorPhysics and Mathematics
University of CambridgeUnited KingdomBachelorLaw
University of SouthamptonUnited KingdomBachelorEducation and Psychology
University of ManchesterUnited KingdomBachelorEarth and Planetary Sciences
University of EdinburghUnited KingdomBachelorArchitecture
University of OxfordUnited KingdomBachelorClassics and English
Royal Academy of Dramatiс ArtUnited KingdomBachelorActing
University of SouthamptonUnited KingdomMasterLuxury Brand Management
London School of Economics and Political ScienceUnited KingdomMasterHuman Resources and Organizations
University College LondonUnited KingdomMasterAncient History
University of LeedsUnited KingdomBachelorCriminal Justice and Criminal Law
University of OxfordUnited KingdomBachelorMathematics and Computer Science
The University of WarwickUnited KingdomMasterVisual and Material Culture of Ancient Greece
University of CambridgeUnited KingdomBachelorEconomics
University of NottinghamUnited KingdomMasterAdditive Manufacturing and 3D Printing
Newcastle UniversityUnited KingdomMasterAccounting, Finance and Strategic Investment
Durham UniversityUnited KingdomBachelorAnthropology and Sociology
University of BristolUnited KingdomBachelorDentistry
University of California, Berkeley (UCB)United StatesBachelorPolitical science
Columbia UniversityUnited StatesBachelorEconomics
University of ChicagoUnited StatesBachelorComparative Literature
Washington University in St LouisUnited StatesArt History and Archaeology
New York UniversityUnited StatesBachelorBusiness, Technology, and Entrepreneurship
Princeton UniversityUnited StatesBachelorComputer science
The American Film InstituteUnited StatesMasterCinematography
Princeton UniversityUnited StatesBachelorMolecular Biology
University of FloridaUnited StatesMasterHealth science
Dartmouth CollegeUnited StatesBachelorPublic Policy
University of California, Los AngelesUnited StatesBachelorFilm and Television
Duke UniversityUnited StatesBachelorEconomics
University of Southern CaliforniaUnited StatesBachelorCinema and Media Studies
Cornell UniversityUnited StatesBachelorComputer Science
New York UniversityUnited StatesBachelorReal Estate
Johns Hopkins UniversityUnited StatesBachelorBiomedical Engineering
Yale UniversityUnited StatesBachelorEconomics and Mathematics
Cornell UniversityUnited StatesBachelorIndustrial and Labor Relations
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)United StatesMasterChemical Engineering
University of Southern CaliforniaUnited StatesMDMedicine
University of PennsylvaniaUnited StatesBachelorFinance
Johns Hopkins UniversityUnited StatesMDMedicine
Stanford UniversityUnited StatesEconomics
The Juilliard SchoolUnited StatesFine Arts
University of Michigan-Ann ArborUnited StatesMasterMarketing
Carnegie Mellon UniversityUnited StatesMasterInformation Systems Management
Northwestern UniversityUnited StatesBachelorMaterial Science and Engineering
SDA Bocconi School of ManagementItalyMaster of Business Administration
Politecnico Di MilanoItalyBachelorCivil Engineering
Università di PadovaItalyBachelorPsychological science
Parthenope University of NaplesItalyBachelorSustainable Food Systems
Bocconi UniversityItalyInternational Economics and Finance
Politecnico Di TorinoItalyBachelorEnergy Engineering
University of BolognaItalyBachelorLaw
Sapienza University of RomeItalyFoundation
University of MilanItalyMasterData science for economics (DSE)
Politecnico Di MilanoItalyBachelorArchitectural Design
SDA Bocconi School of ManagementItalyMasterCorporate Finance
Sapienza University of RomeItalyGlobal Humanities
University of MilanItalyMasterData science for economics (DSE)
Politecnico Di TorinoItalyMasterCybersecurity
Venice Ca’Foscari UniversityItalyMasterDigital and Public Humanities
Florence UniversityItalyMasterDesign of Sustainable Tourism Systems
University of PisaItalyMasterExploration and Applied Geophysics
Autonomous University of BarcelonaSpainBachelorNanoscience and Nanotechnology
Complutense University of MadridSpainBachelorEuropean Studies
University of BarcelonaSpainBachelorBiomedical Engineering
Autonomous University of MadridSpainBachelorAeronautical Management
United Arab Emirates UniversityUnited Arab EmiratesBachelorFinance and Banking
American University of SharjahUnited Arab EmiratesBachelorInternational Relations
Khalifa UniversityUnited Arab EmiratesBachelorComputer Science (with optional Concentrations: Artificial Intelligence or Cybersecurity)
American University of SharjahUnited Arab EmiratesBachelorConstruction Management
University of ViennaAustriaBachelorLaw
University of ViennaAustriaMasterPolitical science
Technische Universität WienAustriaMasterArchitecture
University of LisbonPortugalBachelorCivil Engineering
University of PortoPortugalBachelorLanguages and International Relations
University of OsloNorwayMasterElectronics, Informatics and Technology
University of OsloNorwayPhDMathematics and Natural Sciences
University of BergenNorwayMasterLinguistics
Lund UniversitySwedenBachelorInternational Business
KTH Royal Institute of TechnologySwedenBachelorInformation and Communication Technology
University of CopenhagenDenmarkMasterLandscape Architecture
Technical University of DenmarkDenmarkMasterEarth and Space Physics and Engineering
University of AucklandNew ZealandBachelorGlobal Studies
University of AucklandNew ZealandMasterBusiness development
Trinity College Dublin, The University of DublinIrelandBachelorGlobal Business
University College DublinIrelandBachelorPhysiotherapy
Trinity College Dublin, The University of DublinIrelandBachelorLaw
University of GalwayIrelandBachelorJournalism
National University of SingaporeSingaporeBachelorComputer science
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore)SingaporeBachelorData Science and Artificial Intelligence
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore)SingaporeBachelorMaterials Engineering
National University of SingaporeSingaporeBachelorPetroleum Engineering
Peking UniversityChinaBachelorStructural Chemistry
Tsinghua UniversityChinaMasterEnvironmental Science, Engineering and Management
Zhejiang UniversityChinaMasterLLM in Chinese Law
Kyoto UniversityChinaMasterEconomics
The Chinese University of Hong KongHong KongBachelorArtificial Intelligence: Systems and Technologies
The University of Hong KongHong KongBachelorDental Surgery
The University of TokyoJapanBachelorPharmaceutical Sciences
Kyoto UniversityJapanMasterChemistry
Seoul National UniversitySouth KoreaBachelorPharmaceutical Sciences
KAISTSouth KoreaMasterMaterials Science and Engineering
Institut Polytechnique de ParisFranceMasterData Science
Université PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres)FranceMasterControl, Auditing, Financial Reporting
New Sorbonne UniversityFranceMasterComputer Science
HEC ParisFranceMasterMBA
New Sorbonne UniversityFranceMasterComputer Science
Université Paris-SaclayFranceMasterComputational Neurosciences and Neuroengineering
ESCP Business SchoolFranceBachelorManagement
New Sorbonne UniversityFranceMasterComputer Science
École Normale Supérieure de LyonFranceMasterAdvanced economics
HEC ParisFranceMasterInternational Finance
ESCP Business SchoolFranceMBA
Free University of BerlinGermanyMasterPhysics
Technical University of MunichGermanyMasterComputational Science and Engineering
Technical University of MunichGermanyMasterData science
Technical University of MunichGermanyBachelorMolecular Biotechnology
Heidelberg UniversityGermanyMasterEconomics
University of BaselSwitzerlandBachelorComputational Science
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ZurichSwitzerlandBachelorElectrical Engineering and Information Technology
Federal Institute of Technology LausanneSwitzerlandBachelorMicroengineering
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ZurichSwitzerlandMasterIntegrated Building Systems
University of BernSwitzerlandBachelorSocial Sciences
Federal Institute of Technology LausanneSwitzerlandBachelorPhysics
University of GenevaSwitzerlandMasterLaw
University of LausanneSwitzerlandBachelorManagement
University of ZurichSwitzerlandBachelorDigital Humanities und Text Mining
Federal Institute of Technology LausanneSwitzerlandMasterCyber Security
Flensburg UniversityGermanyBachelorEuropean Cultures and Society
Rotterdam University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorConsultancy and Entrepreneurship
Rhine-Waal University of Applied SciencesGermanyBachelorInternational relations
Saxion University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsMasterManagement
University of PecsHungaryBachelorof ArtsCommunication and Media Science
University of DunaújvárosHungaryBachelorComputer Science Engineering
ISCTE Business School | University Institute of LisbonPortugalBachelorManagement
Sapienza Università di RomaItalyFoundationFoundation course
Rome Business School, RomeItalyMasterInternational Master in Supply Chain Management and Logistics30 %
Geneva Business SchoolSpainBachelorBachelor of International Management (with a specialization in International Finance)
Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorFood Technology
The Hague University of Applied sciencesNetherlandsBachelorProcess and Food Technology
University of PaviaItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
University of PisaItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
Lauder Business School, University of Applied SciencesAustriaMasterInternational Management and Leadership
University of Applied Sciences of the bfi ViennaAustriaMasterQuantitative Asset and Risk Management
Utrecht UniversityNetherlandsMasterBanking and Finance
EU Business SchoolGermanyMasterMBA in Global Banking & Finance
Luiss Business School AmsterdamNetherlandsMasterCorporate Finance
University of DunaújvárosHungaryBachelorComputer Science Engineering
Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsHungaryBachelorComputer Science Engineering
University of DebrecenHungaryBachelorComputer Science
Universität KlagenfurtAustriaBachelorRobotics and Artificial Intelligence
Sapienza University of RomeItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
University of PaviaItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
Johannes Kepler University LinzAustriaBachelorArtificial Intelligence
University of PannoniaHungaryBachelorTourism and Catering
Budapest Business UniversityHungaryBachelorTourism and Catering
Saxion University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorInternational Finance and Accounting
The Hague UniversityNetherlandsBachelorFinance & Control (international)
Fontys University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorFinance & Control - International Finance & Control
Sapienza University of RomeItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
University of PisaItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
University of PaviaItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
Rome University of Fine Arts (RUFA)ItalyBachelorGraphic Design
Marangoni InstituteItalyBachelorVisual Design
Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano (NABA)ItalyBachelorGraphic Design and Art Direction
European Institute of Design (IED)ItalyBachelorGraphic design
University of ReadingUnited KingdomBachelorArchitecture
University College London (UCL)United KingdomBachelorArchitecture
University of KentUnited KingdomBachelorArchitecture
University of WestminsterUnited KingdomBachelorArchitecture
University of the Arts LondonUnited KingdomBachelorArchitecture
British University in Dubai (BuiD)United Arab EmiratesBachelorBusiness Management
Wollongong University DubaiUnited Arab EmiratesBachelorBusiness Management
Canadian University in Dubai (CUD)United Arab EmiratesBachelorSports Management
American University in Dubai (AUD)United Arab EmiratesBachelorBusiness Administration
Polytechnic University of TurinItalyMasterData science and engineering
Saxion University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsMasterSoftware Engineering
Gisma University of Applied SciencesGermanyMasterComputer Science
Southwestern University of Finance and EconomicsChinaBachelorFinance
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool UniversityChinaBachelorEconomics and Finance
University of PaviaItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
University of PisaItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
Sapienza University of RomeItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
Royal Academy of ArtNetherlandsBachelorInterior Architecture & Furniture Design
European Institute of Design (IED)ItalyBachelorInterior Design
NABA – New Academy of Fine ArtsItalyBachelorInterior Design
Raffles Istituto Moda e DesignItalyBachelorInterior Design
Marangoni InstituteItalyBachelorInterior Design
Radboud UniversityNetherlandsMasterCyber Security and AI
Semmelweis UniversityHungaryMasterDentistry
University of SzegedHungaryDoctorateDental Medicine
Arden UniversityUnited KingdomBachelorBusiness Management (Tourism)
Swiss School of ManagementItalyBachelorBusiness Administration
Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreItalyBachelorEconomics and Management
LUISS Guido CarliItalyBachelorEconomics and Business
John Cabot UniversityItalyBachelorBusiness Administration
City, University of LondonUnited KingdomFoundation / A-level / IB
Queen's University BelfastUnited KingdomFoundation / A-level / IB
University of Newcastle upon TyneUnited KingdomFoundation / A-level / IB
University of ExeterUnited KingdomFoundation / A-level / IB
Maastricht UniversityNetherlandsFoundation / A-level / IB
Rotterdam Business SchoolNetherlandsMasterConsultancy and Entrepreneurship
Geneva Business SchoolSwitzerlandMasterGeneva Business School
Rome Business School, RomeItalyMasterInternational Management
Rome Business School, RomeItalyMasterInternational Management
LUISS Guido CarliItalyMasterEconomics and Finance
Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreItalyMasterEconomics
EU Business SchoolSpainMasterMarketing
University of TurinItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
BBW University of Applied SciencesGermanyMasterIntegrative Management of Creative Industries
IESA - School of Arts and CultureFranceMasterPerforming Arts Management and Entertainment
Paris School of Business (PSB)FranceMasterArts and Cultural Management
SRH Hochschule BerlinGermanyMasterFilm, Television and Digital Narratives
NABA – New Academy of Fine ArtsItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
IED Istituto Europeo di DesignItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
Marangoni InstituteItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
LUISS Guido CarliItalyBachelorManagement and Artificial Intelligence
Bocconi UniversityItalyBachelorEconomics, Management and Computer Science
NHL Stenden University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelor Information Technology
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in HungaryHungaryMasterEnglish Studies
University of PannoniaHungaryMasterApplied Linguistics
University of Wisconsin-MadisonUnited StatesBachelorComputer Science
Geneva Business SchoolSwitzerlandBachelorInternational Management
Bocconi UniversityItalyBachelorInternational Economics and Management
LUISS Guido CarliItalyBachelorEconomics and Business
University of NottinghamChinaFoundation / A-level / IB
Gisma UniversityGermanyBachelorData Science, AI, and Digital Business
Vienna University of Economics and BusinessAustriaBachelorBusiness and Economics
Johannes Kepler University LinzAustriaBachelorInternational Business Administration
Bocconi UniversityItalyBachelorInternational Economics and Management
Geneva Business SchoolSwitzerlandBachelorInternational Management
LUISS Guido CarliItalyBachelorEconomics and Business
ESCP Business SchoolItalyBachelorManagement
John Cabot UniversityItalyBachelorCommunications
Budapest Business UniversityHungaryBachelorCommunication and Media Studies
Europeo Di Design (IED)SpainBachelorFashion Marketing and Communication
Geneva Business SchoolSpainBachelorDigital Marketing
NHL Stenden University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsMasterComputer Vision and Data Science
Utrecht UniversityNetherlandsMasterArtificial Intelligence
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS/HvA)NetherlandsMasterDigital Driven Business
SRH Berlin University of Applied SciencesGermanyMasterComputer Science - Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
EPITA School of Engineering and Computer ScienceFranceMasterComputer engineering
Vienna University of Economics and BusinessAustriaMasterEconomics
Bocconi UniversityItalyMasterEconomics and Management of Innovation and Technology
MITUnited StatesMasterMBA
University of BristolUnited KingdomMasterInternational Relations
Geneva Business SchoolSwitzerlandMasterInternational Management
Vienna University of Economics and BusinessAustriaMasterQuantitative Finance
Bocconi UniversityItalyMasterEconomics and Management of Innovation and Technology
University of AmsterdamNetherlandsBachelorPsychology
Sigmund Freud UniversityAustriaBachelorPsychotherapy Science
University of Applied Sciences EuropeGermanyBachelorPsychology
Arizona State UniversityUnited StatesBachelorComputer Science
University of MarylandUnited StatesBachelorComputer Science
Boston UniversityUnited StatesBachelorComputer Science
New York UniversityUnited StatesBachelorComputer Science
Bocconi UniversityItalyMasterEconomics and Management of Innovation and Technology
University of CopenhagenDenmarkMasterBioinformatics
University of CambridgeUnited KingdomMasterBiotechnology
University College London (UCL)United KingdomMasterBiosciences
Stanford UniversityUnited StatesMasterLaw
Georgetown UniversityUnited StatesMasterLaw
Duke UniversityUnited StatesMasterLaw
Cornell UniversityUnited StatesMasterLaw
Bocconi UniversityItalyBachelorInternational Economics and Management
Geneva business schoolSwitzerlandBachelorInternational Management
LUISS Guido CarliItalyBachelorEconomics and Business
ESCP Business SchoolItalyBachelorManagement
Swiss School of ManagementItalyBachelorBusiness Administration
American Public UniversityUnited StatesBachelorHospitality Management
Frankfurt School of Finance & ManagementGermanyBachelorComputational Business Analytics
Free University of BrusselsBelgiumBachelorBusiness Economics
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas)NetherlandsBachelorCreative Media and Game Technologies
Fontys University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorInformation and Communication Technology
Polytechnic University of MilanItalyMasterArchitecture
EADA Business SchoolSpainBachelorInternational Business
ESADESpainBachelorBusiness Administration
Geneva Business SchoolSpainBachelorInternational Managemen
IE UniversitySpainBachelorBusiness Administration
LUISS Guido CarliItalyMasterCorporate Finance
Queen Mary University of LondonUnited KingdomMasterInternational Relations
University of EdinburghUnited KingdomMasterInternational Relations
University of PécsHungaryMasterEnglish Studies
Sapienza University of RomeItalyBachelorApplied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
NHL Stenden University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorInformation Technology
Inholland University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorInformation Technology
University of PaviaItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
University of PisaItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
BSBI – Berlin School of Business and InnovationGermanyBachelorPsychology
SRH Hochschule BerlinGermanyBachelorBusiness Psychology
Swiss School of ManagementItalyBachelorBusiness administration
EDHEC Business SchoolFranceMasterCorporate Finance & Banking
HEC ParisFranceMasterInternational Finance
Rotterdam University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsMasterInterior Architecture: research and design
Vrije Universiteit Brussel Ghent UniversityBelgiumBachelorSocial Sciences (Communication Studies)
Thomas More UniversityBelgiumBachelorInternational Communication and Media
Artevelde University of Applied SciencesBelgiumBachelorInternational Journalism
Hanze University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorInternational Communication
Marangoni InstituteNetherlandsBachelorCreative Media and Game Technologies
ArtEZ University of the ArtsNetherlandsBachelorGraphic Design
Royal Academy of ArtNetherlandsBachelorGraphic Design
Radboud University NijmegenNetherlandsMasterArtificial intelligence
SRH Berlin University of Applied SciencesGermanyMasterComputer Science Cyber Security
Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamNetherlandsMasterComputer Security
University of ManchesterUnited KingdomFoundation / A-level / IBInternational Foundation in Science and Engineering
Bocconi UniversityItalyBachelorInternational Economics and Management
Luiss Business SchoolItalyBachelorEconomics and Business
Swiss School of ManagementItalyBachelorBusiness administration
Berlin International University of Applied SciencesGermanyMasterBig Data and Artificial Intelligence
Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamNetherlandsMasterBusiness Analytics
Geneva Business SchoolSwitzerlandBachelorInternational Management
GBSB Global Business SchoolSpainBachelorBusiness Administration
Harbour.Space UniversitySpainBachelorHigh-Tech Entrepreneurship
Wollongong University DubaiUnited Arab EmiratesBachelorBachelor of business administration
Gisma University of Applied SciencesGermanyBachelorComputer Science
Saxion University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorSoftware Engineering
University of DebrecenHungaryBachelorComputer Science
Eötvös Loránd UniversityHungaryВенгрияComputer Science
Fontys University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorInformation Technology
Inholland University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorInformation Technology
Newcastle UniversityUnited KingdomFoundation / A-level / IB
University of ExeterUnited KingdomFoundation / A-level / IB
City, University of LondonUnited KingdomFoundation / A-level / IB
Queen's University BelfastUnited KingdomFoundation / A-level / IB
University of ManchesterUnited KingdomFoundation / A-level / IB
King's College LondonUnited KingdomFoundation / A-level / IB
Rome Business School, RomeItalyMasterFinance
Royal Holloway University of LondonUnited KingdomMasterAccounting and Financial Management
Geneva Business SchoolSwitzerlandMasterInternational Finance
Emlyon Business SchoolFranceMasterFinance
City, University of LondonUnited KingdomMasterCorporate Finance
AudenciaFranceMasterCorporate Finance & Investment Banking
Ghent UniversityBelgiumBachelorSocial Sciences (Political Sciences)
University of AntwerpBelgiumBachelorSocial-Economic Science
EBS University of Business and LawGermanyBachelorLaw, Politics and Economics
Central European UniversityAustriaBachelorPhilosophy, Politics and Economics
Erasmus University RotterdamNetherlandsBachelorEconomics and Philosophy of Economics
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas)NetherlandsMasterSustainable Outdoor Hospitality Management
Linnaeus UniversitySwedenMasterTourism and Sustainability
University of BolognaItalyMasterTourism Strategy, Cultural Heritage and Made in Italy
Modul University ViennaAustriaMasterInternational Tourism Management
Università IULM - MilanItalyMasterInternational Tourism and Hospitality
Dover Court International SchoolSingaporeFoundation / A-level / IB
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUnited StatesMasterAeronautics and Astronautics
Sapienza Università di RomaItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
Ca' Foscari University of VeniceItalyFoundation / A-level / IB
ESSEC Business SchoolFranceMasterFinance
University of St.GallenSwitzerlandMasterAccounting and Corporate Finance
SRH Berlin University of Applied SciencesGermanyMasterComputer Science - Big Data and Artificial Intelligence