Подходящий ментор — первый шаг к успеху

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Выбрать ментора


  • Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского, бакалавр международных отношений
  • Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского, переводчик в профессиональной сфере коммуникации — дополнительное образование
  • Высшее образование
  • Среднее образование
  • Подготовительные курсы
  • Языковые курсы

Знакомство с ментором

Что самое сложное в работе ментора?

Работать ментором означает нести большую ответственность. Начиная работать со студентом,​ понимаешь, что он и его родители полностью доверяют тебе. И главная цель ментора заключается в том, чтобы​ помочь студенту в осуществлении его мечты —​ поступлении в зарубежный университет. Среди многочисленных задач, которые мне приходится выполнять в качестве ментора, одна из самых значительных — подбор учебных заведений и программ. Выбор правильных университетов и школ во многом влияет на результат поступления. Как ментору, мне нужно проделывать большую работу: анализировать академическую успеваемость и достижения студента, его интересы и возможности. Опираясь на эти критерии, среди десятков учебных заведений предстоит найти именно те, которые максимально подходят студенту. Этот процесс занимает немало времени. Но результат того стоит.

Какие вопросы вам чаще всего задают абитуриенты?

Один из самых популярных вопросов — в какие страны можно поступить за определенный бюджет. В целом страны можно разделить на относительно бюджетные и те, где образование стоит выше среднего. Но здесь важно учитывать много факторов: уровень университета, направление будущего образования, язык программы. В зависимости от этого стоимость обучения будет варьироваться.​

Почему вы выбрали именно английский язык?

Английский язык я начала изучать еще в школе и влюбилась после нескольких занятий. Тогда я поставила перед собой цель не только выучить этот язык, но и применять его на практике в будущем. Моё обучение​ в университете, а затем и работа были непосредственно связаны​ с английским: изучение информации на английском, написание различных эссе и докладов, общение с коллегами из других стран.

Французский язык я изучала в университете. Я выбрала его, потому что это достаточно распространенный язык, на нем говорят во многих странах. Знание французского, возможно, пригодится мне в карьере и в обычной жизни. Для путешествий во Францию, например.

Почему вы решили помогать студентам в поступлении за рубеж?

Образование за рубежом всегда привлекало меня. Ещё будучи студенткой, я изучала этот вопрос: сравнивая системы образования и требования в разных странах. И тогда я поняла, что поступление в университет другой страны требует знания множества деталей. Я увидела информацию о компании, которая помогала в поступлении за рубеж. И я подумала: «Как же здорово, что студенты, которые очень хотят учится в другой стране, но боятся что-то неправильно понять или сделать, могут довериться человеку с опытом!». В тот момент я поняла, что мне было бы действительно интересно окунуться в эту сферу и стать настоящим профессионалом, чтобы помогать будущим студентам в достижении их большой цели!

Чем вы занимались до работы в UniPage?

Прежде чем стать частью команды UniPage, я работала в другой компании, которая также занимается образованием за рубежом. Именно с нее началось мое знакомство с процессом поступления в зарубежные учебные заведения. Работая там, я получила большой опыт и полезные знания, которые продолжаю применять и сейчас. В мои задачи входило полное курирование​ студентов при поступлении, подготовка и редактура​ необходимых документов, решение организационных вопросов, а также визовое сопровождение.​

Есть ли у вас любимая страна или университет, с которыми вам нравится работать?

Вообще мне нравится работать с университетами разных стран. Но больше всего я люблю вести процесс поступления в Италию. На сайтах итальянских учебных заведений всегда представлена максимально подробная информация о программах и ценах. Более того, итальянцы очень отзывчивые и всегда рады помочь, если требуется разъяснить какой-либо вопрос. В Италии расположено много учебных заведений по самым разным специальностям. Можно подобрать университет под разные бюджеты, а обучение проходит как на итальянском, так и на английском. Поэтому я думаю, что Италия —​ одно​ из наиболее привлекательных образовательных направлений.

Чем вы занимаетесь в свободное время, как отдыхаете?

Свободное время я люблю проводить со своими близкими: гулять, ездить в поездки, посещать культурные мероприятия. А иногда мне нравится просто остаться дома, чтобы почитать любимую книжку, послушать музыку или испечь пирог. Зависит от настроения.

Список учебных заведений с успешным зачислением

Название университетаСтранаСтепеньСпециальность
Stanford UniversityUnited StatesBachelorEconomics
University of Southern CaliforniaUnited StatesPhDCinematic Arts
Washington State UniversityUnited StatesPhDEducational Psychology
Notre Dame UniversityUnited StatesPhDPsychology
Cornell UniversityUnited StatesPhDPerforming and Media Arts
Columbia UniversityUnited StatesPhDCommunication in Education
University of WashingtonUnited StatesMasterChemistry
University of FloridaUnited StatesMasterChemistry
University of ManchesterUnited KingdomFoundationHumanities and Social Sciences
University of ExeterUnited KingdomFoundationEconomics, Finance and Management
University of BirminghamUnited KingdomFoundationArts, Business, Social Sciences and Law
University of Illinois at ChicagoUnited StatesMasterChemical Engineering
Columbia UniversityUnited StatesMasterChemical Engineering
University of the Arts LondonUnited KingdomFoundationStudy of Fashion
Ca Foscari UniversityItalyMasterEconomics and Management of Arts and Cultural Activities
Regent's UniversityUnited KingdomFoundationFashion Marketing and Public Relations
University of WestminsterUnited KingdomFoundationContemporary Media Practice
BI Business SchoolNorwayMasterEntrepreneurship and Innovation
Pisa UniversityItalyFoundationHumanities
SSBMSwitzerlandBachelorBusiness and Administration
NHL StendenNetherlandsBachelorHospitality Management
University of GroningenNetherlandsBachelorArts, Culture and Media
Erasmus University RotterdamNetherlandsBachelorArts and Culture Studies
Tilburg UniversityNetherlandsBachelorInternational Business Administration
Leiden UniversityNetherlandsMasterPolitical Science
Utrecht UniversityNetherlandsMasterConflict Studies and Human Rights
University of AmsterdamNetherlandsMasterPolitical Communication
University of PaviaItalyFoundation x2Humanities / Science
Bournemouth Collegiate SchoolUnited KingdomA-LevelArt
CATS Canterbury CollegeUnited KingdomA-LevelArt
King's Education CollegeUnited KingdomFoundationMedicine / Advanced
University of Brighton - Kaplan PathwaysUnited KingdomInternational Year OneArchitecture
University of NottinghamUnited KingdomMasterPhysiotherapy
GISMA Business SchoolGermanyBachelorData Science, AI and Digital Business
GISMA Business SchoolGermanyMaster (with pre-master's)International Business Management
GISMA Business SchoolGermanyMasterBusiness Management Finance
Berlin School of Business and InnovationGermanyBachelor (with Foundation)Animation (Hons)
Mediadesign University of Applied SciencesGermanyBachelorGame Design
Catalyst - Institute for Creative Arts and TechnologyGermanyBachelorVFX, Digital Arts & Animation
HULT Business ScoolUnited StatesMasterInternational Marketing
Boston UniversityUnited StatesMasterManagement Studies
Delaware County Community CollegeUnited StatesAssociateInformation Technology, Interactive Multimedia
Florida SouthWestern State CollegeUnited StatesAssociateDigital Art and Multimedia Production
Corvinus University of BudapestHungaryBachelorInternational Relations x2
Eötvös Loránd University - ELTEHungaryBachelorInternational Business Economics
La Salle Campus Barcelona - Ramon Llull UniversitySpainBachelorAnimation & VFX
Singidunum UnivesitySerbiaBachelorSoftware and Data Engineering
KU LeuvenBelgiumBachelorBusiness Administration
University of AmsterdamNetherlandsBachelorCommunication Science
University of AmsterdamNetherlandsBachelorMedia and Culture
Radboud UniversityNetherlandsMasterNeurophysics
Breda University of Applied ScienceNetherlandsBachelorCreative Media and Game Technologies x2
University College CorkIrelandBachelorLaw (Pathways)
University of ZurichSwitzerlandMasterNeural Systems and Computation
University of BrightonUnited KingdomInternational Year OneArchitecture
University of BrightonUnited KingdomFoundationScience and Engineering
GISMA Business SchoolGermanyBachelor of ScienceData Science, AI and Digital Business
Bournemouth Collegiate SchoolUnited KingdomA Level
GISMA Business SchoolGermanyMasterInternational Business Management
University of PaviaItalyFoundationFoundation Year Program
Singidunum UniversitySerbiaBachelorSoftware and Data Engineering
University of PaviaItalyFoundationFoundation Year Program
Maastricht UniversityNetherlandsBachelorInternational Business
University of KentUnited KingdomMasterDigital Marketing and Analytics
University of WinchesterUnited KingdomMasterDigital Marketing and Analytics
University of PortsmouthUnited KingdomMasterMarketing Analytics
National University of SingaporeSingaporeMasterJuris Doctor
National University of SingaporeSingaporeMasterVenture Creation
GISMA business schoolGermanyBachelorComputer Science
University of BordeauxFranceBachelorParcours spécifique accès santé (PASS)
James Cook University SingaporeSingaporeBachelor
New Sorbonne UniversityFranceBachelorInformation-Communication
Montpellier 3 UniversityFranceBachelorInformation-Communication
Lille University of Science and TechnologyFranceBachelorInformation-Communication
University of North Carolina at GreensboroUnited StatesBachelorPolitical Science - Global Politics Concentration
Eötvös Loránd UniversityHungaryBachelorInternational Relations
University of BolognaItalyMasterMaster in Legal Studies
Federal University of Toulouse Midi-PyrénéesFranceMasterComparative and European Private International Law
La Trobe UniversityAustraliaMasterBusiness Analytics
Centennial CollegeCanadaProfessional courseMarketing - Research and Analytics
Saxion Universities of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorApplied Computer Science
Stenden University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorInformation Technology
Breda University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorApplied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Fontys University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorInformation and Communication Technology
Johannes Kepler University LinzAustriaBachelorArtificial Intelligence
Tor Vergata University of RomeItalyMasterArt History in Rome, from Late Antiquity to the Present
University of WindsorCanadaMasterManagement - Human Resources Management
International University of Malaya WalesMalaysiaMasterProfessional Communication
Aalto UniversityFinlandMasterComputer, Communication and Informtion Sciences
University of HildesheimGermanyMasterSoftware Engineering
Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamNetherlandsMasterComputer Science
McMaster UniversityCanadaMasterSoftware Engineering
University of PennsylvaniaUnited StatesDoctorateNear Eastern Languages and Civilizations: Egyptology
Eötvös Loránd UniversityHungaryBachelorPsychology
University of PoitiersFranceMasterAutomatique et énergie électrique
Toulouse III Paul Sabatier University – Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse III)FranceMasterÉnergie électrique: conversion, matériaux, développement durable
Ravensbourne University LondonUnited KingdomBachelorDigital Marketing with Foundation Year, BSc (Hons)
New York UniversityUnited StatesBachelorBusiness
University of AmsterdamNetherlandsBachelorPsychology
University College LondonUnited KingdomCollege preparationInternational Foundation Year
New York Film SchoolUnited StatesBachelorFine Arts in Photography
INSEEC Business SchoolFranceMasterLuxury Brand Management
Hanze University GroningenNetherlandsBachelorDesign
Gerrit Rietveld AcademieNetherlandsBachelorArchitectural Design
Rotterdam University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorSpatial Design
Royal Academy of ArtsNetherlandsBachelorInterior Architecture & Furniture Design
University of ZurichSwitzerlandMasterInternational and Comparative Law
National University of SingaporeSingaporeMasterJuris Doctor
National University of SingaporeSingaporeMasterVenture Creation
Institute of Political Studies Lyon -'Sciences Po Lyon'FranceMasterInternational Energy Transitions
University of AberdeenUnited KingdomMasterEnergy Politics and Law
New Sorbonne UniversityFranceBachelorInformation-Communication
Lille University of Science and TechnologyFranceBachelorInformation-Communication
Université Clermont AuvergneFranceBachelorLicence Information-communication
University of ParmaItalyCollege preparationFoundation Year Programme
University of LancasterUnited KingdomCollege preparationInternational Foundation in Social Sciences and Humanities
University of ManchesterUnited KingdomCollege preparationInternational Foundation in Humanities and Social Sciences
Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreItalyBachelorInternational Relations and Global Affairs
International Institute in GenevaSwitzerlandBachelorInternational Relations
University of New South WalesAustraliaCollege preparationLife Sciences
University of Auvergne - Clermont IFranceBachelorBUT Informatique
University of AngersFranceBachelorParcours spécifique accès santé (PASS)
University of Picardie Jules VerneFranceBachelorParcours spécifique accès santé (PASS)
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-YvelinesFranceBachelorParcours spécifique accès santé (PASS)
University of AngersParcours spécifique accès santé (PASS)
University of Auvergne - Clermont IFranceBachelorHistoire de l'art et archéologie
University of StrasbourgFranceBachelorHistoire de l'art et archéologie
Grenoble Alpes UniversityFranceBachelorHistoire de l'art et archéologie
Paris school of businessFranceMasterLuxury Brand Management
University of PaviaItalyMasterCooperation, development and migrations
Bournemouth Collegiate SchoolUnited KingdomCollege preparation
Budapest Metropolitan UniversityHungaryBachelorGraphic Design
University of StrasbourgFranceBachelorPASS
Université de LilleFranceBachelorPASS
Sorbonne UniversityFranceBachelorPASS
University of AmsterdamNetherlandsMasterSoftware Engineering
University of LeicesterUnited KingdomMasterSoftware Engineering
Technical University of MadridSpainMasterSoftware Engineering
École polytechnique ParisFranceBachelorMathematics and Economics
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of LondonUnited KingdomMasterEconomic Policy
EDHEC Business SchoolFranceMasterInternational Finance
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlandsMasterRobotics
GISMA business schoolGermanyMasterComputer Science
IT University of CopenhagenDenmarkMasterComputer Science
University of BathUnited KingdomMasterRobotics
Brown UniversityUnited StatesProfessional courseMicroeconomics
University of Illinois ChicagoUnited StatesBachelorBusiness Administration
Oregon State UniversityUnited StatesBachelorBusiness Administration
University of UtahUnited StatesBachelorBusiness Administration
Radboud University NijmegenNetherlandsMasterPsychology: Work, Organisation and Health
Eötvös Loránd UniversityHungaryMasterPsychology
Catholic University of Eichstätt-IngolstadtGermanyMasterBusiness and Psychology
Heriot-Watt University DubaiUnited Arab EmiratesMasterInterior Architecture and Design
University of South AustraliaAustraliaMasterDesign (Interior Architecture)
IEDSpainCollege preparationDesign
Korea Nazarene UniversitySouth KoreaLanguage course (at University)
King's College LondonUnited KingdomMasterStrategic Entrepreneurship & Innovation
City, University of LondonUnited KingdomMasterInternational Business
Institute for advanced architecture of CataloniaSpainMasterAdvanced Architecture
Heriot-Watt University DubaiUnited Arab EmiratesMasterInterior Architecture and Design
Paris School of ArchitectureFranceMasterArchitecture
Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenBelgiumBachelorBusiness Engineering
EDHEC Business SchoolFranceMasterMaster in Management - Finance (Climate Change & Sustainable Finance)
University of BaselSwitzerlandMasterComputer Science
NABAItalyBachelorInterior Design
IEDItalyBachelorInterior Design
Curtin UniversityAustraliaMasterArchitecture
University of AdelaideAustraliaMasterArchitecture
King's College LondonUnited KingdomMasterInternational Political Economy
City University of LondonUnited KingdomMasterGlobal Political Economy
University of ParmaItalyCollege preparationFoundation Year Programme
Eötvös Loránd UniversityHungaryBachelorInternational Business Economics
Budapest Business UniversityHungaryBachelorBusiness Administration and Management
International Business SchoolHungaryMasterStrategic International Management
University of DebrecenHungaryBachelorBusiness Administration and Management
Corvinus University of BudapestHungaryBachelorBusiness and Management
James Cook University SingaporeSingaporeMasterBusiness Administration (Majoring in Creative Marketing)
ESSEC Business School SingaporeSingaporeMasterMarketing Management and Digital (MMD)
Sorbonne University Abu DhabiUnited Arab EmiratesMasterMarketing, Management, Communication, Media
Stanford UniversityUnited StatesBachelorUndegraduate
Princeton UniversityUnited StatesBachelorUndegraduate
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUnited StatesBachelorUndegraduate
Harvard UniversityUnited StatesBachelorUndegraduate
Yale UniversityUnited StatesBachelorUndegraduate
California Institute of TechnologyUnited StatesBachelorUndegraduate
University of CaliforniaUnited StatesBachelorUndegraduate
ISC Paris Group - Business School of excellenceFranceMasterLuxury Management & Marketing
INSEEC Business SchoolFranceMasterFashion Marketing, Design & Brand Strategies MSc
Università di Roma LUMSAItalyMasterMarketing & Digital Communication
Geneva Business SchoolSwitzerlandMasterInternational Management
EU Business SchoolSwitzerlandMasterManagement
International Business School BudapestHungaryBachelorPsychology
Semmelweis University of MedicineHungaryBachelorDentistry
University of DebrecenHungaryBachelorDentistry
University of PécsHungaryBachelorDentistry
University of SzegedHungaryBachelorDental Medicine
University of PécsHungaryBachelorChemistry
Sapienza University of RomeItalyCollege preparation
James Cook University SingaporeSingaporeMasterMaster of Business Administration
James Cook University SingaporeSingaporeMasterMaster of International Tourism and Hospitality Management- Master of Business Administration
James Cook University SingaporeSingaporeMasterMaster of Business Administration (Majoring in Mice, Tourism and Hospitality)
Sejong UniversitySouth KoreaBachelorComputer Engineering
Leiden UniversityNetherlandsMasterBiology with Specialisation in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
Maastricht UniversityNetherlandsMasterSystems Biology
National University of SingaporeSingaporeMasterBiotechnology
University of California, San DiegoUnited StatesBachelor
University of North Carolina Chapel HillUnited StatesBachelor
Northwestern UniversityUnited StatesBachelor
Texas A&M University at QatarUnited StatesMasterComputer Science
Florida State UniversityUnited StatesMasterComputer Science
Northeastern UniversityUnited StatesMasterComputer Science
University of ArizonaUnited StatesMasterComputer Science
University of Central FloridaUnited StatesMasterComputer Science
Florida International UniversityUnited StatesMasterComputer Science
University of OttawaCanadaMasterMechanical Engineering
GISMA business schoolGermanyBachelorBusiness Management
University of Applied Sciences EuropeGermanyBachelorBSc Business & Management Studies
Berlin School of Business and InnovationGermanyBachelorInternational Business and Management
Institute for Advanced Architecture of CataloniaSpainMasterAdvanced Architecture
Lumière University Lyon 2FranceBachelorEconomie et Gestion
Université Panthéon SorbonneFranceBachelorGestion
University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignUnited StatesMasterFinance
University of California - IrvineUnited StatesMasterFinance
University of Illinois ChicagoUnited StatesMasterFinance
University of Minnesota - Twin CitiesUnited StatesMasterFinance
University of California - RiversideUnited StatesMasterFinance
Fordham UniversityUnited StatesMasterFinance
Ohio State UniversityUnited StatesMasterFinance
King's College LondonUnited KingdomMasterFinance (Corporate Finance)
University of LeedsUnited KingdomMasterFinance and Investment
University of EdinburghUnited KingdomMasterFinance
Queen Mary University of LondonUnited KingdomMasterInvestment and Finance
University of BathUnited KingdomMasterFinance with Banking
Breda University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorApplied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Fontys University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorInformation Technology
University of TwenteNetherlandsCollege preparationSciences & Mathematics
Maastricht UniversityNetherlandsBachelorData Science and Artificial Intelligence
Sapienza University of RomeItalyCollege preparationFoundation Year
University of HertfordshireUnited KingdomCollege preparationComputing Technologies (Networks and Cybersecurity)
Nanyang Technological UniversitySingaporeBachelorComputer Science
University of AmsterdamNetherlandsBachelorPsychology
James Cook University SingaporeSingaporeBachelorInformation Technology
James Cook University SingaporeSingaporeBachelorPsychological Science
University of Minnesota - Twin CitiesUnited StatesBachelorComputer Science
University of Illinois ChicagoUnited StatesBachelorApplied Psychology
Royal College of ArtUnited KingdomMasterCreative Education
Yale School of ArtUnited StatesMasterGraphic Design
Parsons School of Design at The New SchoolUnited StatesMasterStrategic Design and Management
University of the Arts LondonUnited KingdomMasterDesign for Art Direction
Pratt InstituteUnited StatesMasterDesign Management
Goldsmiths, University of LondonUnited KingdomMasterCreative and Cultural Entrepreneurship: Design Management Pathway
Columbia UniversityUnited StatesBachelorArchitecture
University of CaliforniaUnited StatesBachelorArchitecture
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUnited StatesBachelorArchitecture + Design
Harvard UniversityUnited StatesBachelorHistory of Art and Architecture concentration
New York UniversityUnited StatesBachelorUrban Design and Architecture Studies
University of TorontoCanadaBachelorArchitectural Studies
University College London (UCL)United KingdomBachelorArchitecture
National University of SingaporeSingaporeBachelorArchitecture
Polytechnic University of MilanItalyBachelorArchitectural Design
Heriot-Watt University DubaiUnited Arab EmiratesBachelorArchitecture
Vrije University AmsterdamNetherlandsMasterManagement, Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in Health & Life Sciences
Leiden UniversityNetherlandsMasterBio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Business Studies
Bocconi UniversityItalyMasterInternational Management
University of MontpellierFranceBachelorGestion
Erasmus University RotterdamNetherlandsBachelorInternational Bachelor Economics and Business Economics
Maastricht UniversityNetherlandsBachelorEconomics and Business Economics
Amsterdam University of Applied SciencesNetherlandsBachelorBachelor in International Business
Bocconi UniversityItalyMasterMarketing Management
Bocconi UniversityItalyMasterEconomics and Management of Innovation and Technology
Luiss Business SchoolItalyMasterDigital Innovation Management Master in Digital and Business Transformation
University College London (UCL)United KingdomBachelorComputer Science
King's College LondonUnited KingdomBachelorComputer Science
Queen Mary University of LondonUnited KingdomBachelorComputer Science
Royal Holloway, University of LondonUnited KingdomBachelorComputer Science
University of BathUnited KingdomBachelorComputer Science
Yonsei UniversitySouth KoreaBachelorNano Science and Engineering
UCAM Universidad Católica San Antonio de MurciaSpainBachelorPsychology
University of DebrecenHungaryBachelorBusiness Informatics
Corvinus University of BudapestHungaryBachelorData Science in Business
University of GuelphCanadaMasterComputer Science
Toronto Metropolitan UniversityCanadaMasterComputer Science
Georgia Institute of TechnologyUnited StatesBachelorEngineering
Bocconi UniversityItalyBachelorEconomics and Management for Arts, Culture and Communication
Duke UniversityUnited StatesMasterEconomics
University of Michigan - Ann ArborUnited StatesMasterApplied Economics
University of Maryland - College ParkUnited StatesMasterApplied Economics
University of California-IrvineUnited StatesMasterData Science
London School of Economics and Political ScienceUnited KingdomMasterData Science
University of GlasgowUnited KingdomMasterData Analytics for Economics & Finance
University of LeicesterUnited KingdomMasterData Science
HEC Business SchoolFranceMasterEconomics & Finance
National University of SingaporeSingaporeMasterQuantitative Economics
Nanyang Technological UniversitySingaporeMasterData Science
Harvard UniversityUnited StatesDoctorateAncient Near Eastern Studies - Egyptlogy
Brown UniversityUnited StatesDoctorateEgyptology and Assyriology
John Hopkins UniversityUnited StatesDoctorateEgyptology and Egyptian Art and Archaeology
Yale UniversityUnited StatesDoctorateNear Eastern Languages & Civilizations
New York UniversityUnited StatesDoctorateStudy of the Ancient World
HEC Paris Business SchoolFranceMasterManagement
EDHEC Business SchoolFranceMasterManagement
European School of Management and TechnologyGermanyMasterGlobal Management
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlandsBachelorAerospace Engineering
Eindhoven University of TechnologyNetherlandsBachelorElectrical Engineering
University of KlagenfurtAustriaMasterMedia & Convergence Management
University of InnsbruckAustriaMasterMedia, Society and Communication
GISMA business schoolGermanyBachelorComputer Science
University of Europe for Applied SciencesGermanyBachelorGame Design
Berlin School of Business and InnovationGermanyBachelorGame Design
Mediadesign University of Applied SciencesGermanyBachelorGame Design