- Пятигорский государственный университет, магистр межкультурной коммуникации и иноязычных компетенций в инновационном управлении и бизнесе
- Пятигорский государственный университет, Специалист по экономической безопасности
- Пятигорский государственный университет, Бакалавр лингвистики (английский и немецкий языки)
- University of Wittenberg, стипендиат программы обмена по немецкому языку
Подтверждение языка
Сертификат University of Wittenberg — C1
Путешествия и образовательные поездки
- Высшее образование
- Среднее образование
- Подготовительные курсы
- Языковые курсы
Знакомство с ментором
Что самое сложное в работе ментора?
Самое трудное в поступлении — этап подбора программ, потому что в это время мы проводим много аналитической работы. Однако правильно выбранные университеты и специальности — это 50% успеха.
Что касается самого процесса взаимодействия, я всегда нахожу общий язык со своими абитуриентами и их родителями — мы с ними на одной волне. Я стараюсь понять чувства и пожелания студентов. Не все сразу могут сказать, чего хотят, и моя задача — помочь им.
Какие вопросы вам чаще всего задают абитуриенты?
«А вы только с определенными университетами работаете?»
К счастью, нет. Мы не привязаны и не ограничены определенной подборкой вузов, которую мы предлагаем всем подряд. Напротив, мы индивидуально подходим к каждому запросу, рассматриваем все возможные варианты, подбираем программы, соответствующие критериям абитуриентов, и так, чтобы их профайлы отвечали требованиям университетов.
Почему вы выбрали именно немецкий и английский языки?
Скорее это немецкий выбрал меня. До поступления в университет я совершенно не планировала его изучать и в списке желаемых языков его не наблюдалось, но у судьбы были свои планы. Я подала документы на несколько лингвистических факультетов — на бюджет прошла на англо-немецкий, где и осталась. О своем выборе ни разу не пожалела, так как там был сильнейший преподавательский состав.
А английский — это мой первый иностранный еще со школы.
Почему вы решили помогать студентам в поступлении за рубеж?
Сколько себя помню, я всегда тянулась ко всему международному. Мне близка тема зарубежного образования, и мне нравится помогать студентам реализовать их мечту. Я хочу показать им, что поступить в зарубежный университет абсолютно реально. Стоять у истоков этого увлекательного пути, наполненного сотнями возможностей, слушать восторженные отклики самих студентов и родителей бесценно.
Чем вы занимались до работы в UniPage?
Я училась в магистратуре по направлению «межкультурная коммуникация в сфере международного бизнеса». По первому образованию я лингвист, по второму — экономист.
Навыки, которые я получила на учебе в США, во время студенческого обмена и работы администратором на круизном лайнере привели меня к работе ментором.
Расскажите о своем опыте стажировок за рубежом.
После 4 курса я выиграла стипендию от DAAD, которая покрывала учебу в университете Галле-Виттенберга имени Мартина Лютера и проживание в немецкой семье. Это был бесценный опыт. Я узнала, как устроена зарубежная система образования, получила колоссальные знания, прониклась немецкой культурой и познакомилась с молодыми и амбициозными ребятами со всего мира.
Есть ли у вас любимая страна или университет, с которыми вам нравится работать?
Мне комфортно работать с любыми направлениями, но самое интересное — Германия. Наверное, меня привлекают сложности и непредсказуемость.
В немецких вузах большой конкурс, и требования иногда могут отличаться от заявленных. Например, указан один уровень языка, а в реальности другой. Или думаешь, что человека не возьмут на магистерскую программу из-за нехватки часов по предметам бакалавриата, а его принимают. Поэтому надо всегда подавать документы в несколько вузов.
Сколько стран вы посетили, и какая поездка запомнилась больше всего?
Я была в 4 странах. Больше всего запомнилась поездка в США. Я посетила Америку после второго курса в рамках студенческого обмена и пробыла там три с половиной месяца. Эта поездка осталась самой яркой и незабываемой.
Чем вы занимаетесь в свободное время, как отдыхаете?
Мой отдых делится на активный (занятием фитнесом, прогулки с друзьями, походы в новые места) и пассивный (время дома). Как многие молодые люди, иногда я зависаю в интернете. Работа ментора требует много энергии и сил, поэтому моему мозгу нужно время перезарядиться.
Кроме того, я один из организаторов молодежного общественного объединения и посвящаю этому много времени. Мы устраиваем встречи с известными людьми и культурные мероприятия для молодежи. Например, литературные вечера, просмотры и обсуждения кино, благотворительные акции.
Другое мое хобби — разговорные клубы турецкого, которые позволяют практиковать язык с носителями.
Список учебных заведений с успешным зачислением
Название университета | Страна | Степень | Специальность |
University of Konstanz | Germany | Bachelor | Information Technology |
TU Munich | Germany | Bachelor | Economic Informatics |
University of Stuttgart | Germany | Bachelor | Software Engeneering |
University of Freiburg | Germany | Bachelor | Information Technology |
Ostfalia University of applied sciences | Germany | Bachelor | Applied Informatics |
Hacettepe University | Turkey | Bachelor | Medicine |
University of Debrecen | Hungary | Bachelor | International Business Menegment |
Eötvös Loránd University | Hungary | Bachelor | International Business Economics |
Varna University of Management | Bulgaria | Bachelor | International Business Menegment |
Mainz University | Germany | Lang.course+Master | Accounting |
Innsbruck University | Austria | Master | Economics and Finance |
TU Chemnitz | Germany | Master | Software Engeneering |
TU Ilmenau | Germany | Master | Software Engeneering |
Berlin Brandenburg International School | Germany | IB | Middle Years Programme |
Schule Schloss Salem | Germany | IB | Middle Years Programme |
St. George's The British International School | Germany | IB | Middle Years Programme |
University of Konstanz | Germany | Studienkolleg | Information Technology |
TU Munich | Germany | Studienkolleg | Information Technology |
University of Stuttgart | Germany | Studienkolleg | Software Engeneering |
University of Freiburg | Germany | Studienkolleg | Information Technology |
Goethe University Frankfurt | Germany | Master | MBA Pharma |
Anhalt University of applied sciences | Germany | Master | International Economic Law |
Grenoble École de Management (GEM) | France | Bachelor | International Business |
University of Arizona | United States | Bachelor | Economics and Industry |
Florida Institute of Technology | United States | Bachelor | Business Managment |
Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Foundation | Fashion |
Aachen University | Germany | Bachelor | Molecular Biotechnology |
Munich University of Technology | Germany | Bachelor | Molecular Biotechnology |
Bielefeld University | Germany | Bachelor | Molecular Biology |
Pisa University | Italy | Foundation | Business Managment |
Ca Foscari University of Venice | Italy | Foundation | Business Managment |
University of Glasgow | United Kingdom | Master | International Business Managment |
University of Aberdeen | United Kingdom | Master | International Business Managment |
University of Sussex | United Kingdom | Master | International Business Economics |
University of Northumbria | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Business Managment |
Brunel University | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Business Managment |
TU Dresden | Germany | Studienkolleg | Architecture |
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts | Switzerland | Master | Business |
McGill University | Canada | Master | Urban Planning |
TU Delft | Netherlands | Master | Architecture |
University of Vienna | Austria | Bachelor | Psycology |
University of Vienna | Austria | Bachelor | Mathmatics |
University of Nicosia | Cyprus | MD | Medicine |
KU Leuven | Belgium | Master | Architecture |
Queen's University Belfast | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Music and Sound Design |
Royal Holloway University of London | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Music and Sound Design |
The Hague University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Law |
The University of Sheffield | United Kingdom | Studienkolleg | International Relations and Politics |
The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | Master | Communications and Signal Processing |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom | Master | Telecommunications and Wireless Systems |
TU Berlin | Germany | Master | Biotechnology |
Saxion university of applied sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Finance and Accounting |
Hanze university of applied sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor | Finance and Control |
TU Braunschweig | Germany | Master | Biotechnology |
Pasadena City College | United States | Associate | Communication |
Hague university of applied sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor | Law |
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | Business Administration |
University of Graz | Austria | Bachelor | Sociology |
Purdue in West-Lafayette University | United States | Bachelor | Information Technology |
Rutgers University | United States | Bachelor | Programming |
Northwestern University | United States | Bachelor | Information Technology |
École polytechnique | France | Bachelor | Math and Economics |
Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancées (IPSA) | France | Bachelor | Artificial Intellegence |
University of Pavia | Italy | Bachelor | Medicine |
University of Oldenburg | Germany | Staatsexamen | Medicine |
University of Washington | United States | Master | Tax Law |
University of San Diego | United States | Master | LLM |
University of New-York | United States | Master | LLM |
Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master | Psycology and International Managment |
SIM Global Education&University of Birmingham | Singapore | Master | Management: Organisational Leadership and Change |
University of Manchester | United Kingdom | Foundation | Biomedical Science |
London Metropolitan University | United Kingdom | Master | Architecture |
ESCP Business School | France | Bachelor | Managment |
University of Washington | United States | Bachelor | Biology |
University of Texas at Austin | United States | Bachelor | Biology |
Imperial College London | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Biomedical Science |
Imperial College London | United Kingdom | Master | Math and Finance |
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg | Germany | Bachelor | BSc Business Economics |
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Germany | Bachelor | BSc International Business Studies |
Technical University Chemnitz | Germany | Master | Master Web Engineering |
Canadian University Dubai | United Arab Emirates | BBA | International Business |
University of Magdeburg | Germany | Bachelor | BSc International Business and Economics |
Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Bachelor | International Relations, B.A. |
University of Cologne | Germany | Master | Political Science (Master's programme |
Osnabrück University | Germany | Master | Master in Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding |
Flensburg University | Germany | Bachelor | European Cultures and Society (B.A.) |
Furtwangen University | Germany | Bachelor | BSc International Business Management |
Boston University | United States | Master | MS Nutrition and Metabolism |
Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria | Bachelor | BSc Artificial Intelligence |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Foundation | Foundation Programme - Economics and Business Economics |
Dublin City University | Ireland | Bachelor | BSc in Physics |
University of Vienna | Austria | Master | Master in Applied Linguistics |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Foundation | Foundation Programme - Business Analytics |
University of Technology Malaysia | Malaysia | Master | Master Of Engineering (Mechatronics And Automatic Control) |
University of Bonn | Germany | Master | MSc Computer Science |
HAN University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Master | Master Engineering Systems |
Reichman University (IDC Herzliya) | Israel | Bachelor | BA Communications |
University of Glasgow | United Kingdom | Master | MSc (Med Sci) Human Nutrition with Specialisation |
University of Bristol | United Kingdom | Master | Nutrition, Physical Activity and Public Health (MSc) |
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Bachelor | Bachelor Motion Pictures |
Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master | Master in Software Technology |
Munster Technological University | Ireland | Bachelor | BA (Honours) Creative Digital Media |
University of Parma | Italy | Foundation | Foundation Year |
University of Freiburg | Germany | Master | MSc Computer Science |
TU Dortmund | Germany | Master | MA Linguistics |
University of Konstanz | Germany | Master | MSc Computer Science |
Tilburg University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor International Business Administration |
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems | Austria | Bachelor | Bachelor in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology |
École Polytechnique Paris | France | Bachelor | Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Computer Science |
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice | Italy | Foundation | Foundation Year programme |
University of Debrecen | Hungary | Bachelor | BSc Computer Science |
Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria | Bachelor | Bachelor's degree Artificial Intelligence |
University of Szeged | Hungary | Master | MSc Computer Science |
Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) | Germany | Master | International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law |
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | Netherlands | Master | Master in Art and Industry of Narration |
University of Groningen | Netherlands | Pre-Master | Arts, Culture and Media |
Hamburg University | Germany | Studienkolleg | M-Kurs |
University of Debrecen | Hungary | Bachelor | BS in Computer Science |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom | Master | MSc Sustainable Civil and Structural Engineering |
Eötvös Loránd University | Hungary | Bachelor | BSc Computer Science |
University of Debrecen | Hungary | Bachelor | BSc Biology |
Vrije University Amsterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | BSc Economics and Business Economics |
University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD) | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor | Bachelor of Communication and Media |
TU Eindhoven | Netherlands | Bachelor | BSc Applied Mathematics |
Oxford Brookes University. | United Kingdom | Master | MSc Applied Sport and Exercise Nutrition |
University of Zurich | Switzerland | Master | Master in Business and Economics |
Radboud University | Netherlands | Master | Master in Business Administration, specialisation Strategic Management |
FH Aachen University of applied sciences | Germany | Master | MSc Nuclear Applications |
University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen | Germany | Bachelor | Bachelor in Automotive Engineering |
THM Giessen | Germany | Bachelor | Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering |
HTW Berlin | Germany | Bachelor | Bachelor in Vehicle Engineering |
Technical University of Chemnitz | Germany | Bachelor | BSc Mechanical Engineering |
University of Oldenburg | Germany | Master | Master in Engineering Physics |
HAN University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor in Communication |
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor Media and Culture |
Canadian University Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor | Bachelor in Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication |
Oxford Brookes University | United Kingdom | Master | Master of Architecture |
Technical University Clausthal | Germany | Master | Master in Intelligent Manufacturing |
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor in English Language and Culture |
Leiden University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor in International Relations |
Berklee College of Music | United States | Bachelor | Bachelor of Music in Contemporary Writing and Production |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor Economics and Business Economics |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor Mastricht Science programme |
TU Eindhoven | Netherlands | Master | Master of Architecture |
Hamburg University | Germany | Master | Master Linguistics |
TU Dublin | Ireland | Bachelor | BA Digital Creative Media |
EADA Business School | Spain | Master | Master in International Finance |
HAN University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor in Life Sciences |
University of Twente | Netherlands | Bachelor | BSc Advanced Technology with foundation year |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | BSc Econometrics and Operations research |
TU Eindhoven | Netherlands | Master | Master in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor Data Science and Artificial Intelligence |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor Mastricht Science programme |
SCI Arc - Institute of Architecture | United States | Master | Master of Architecture |
Boston University | United States | Master | MSc in Mathematical Finance & Financial Technology |
EPFL | Switzerland | Master | MSc Data Science |
Brunel University London | United Kingdom | Master | MSc Structural Engineering |
Fontys University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor | BSc Physiotherapy |
University of Alberta | Canada | Bachelor | Bachelor of Science, Honors in Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology |
Grenoble Ecole de Management | France | Master | MBA |
SKEMA Business School | France | Master | MSc Corporate Financial Management |
Bristol University | United Kingdom | Bachelor | BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science |
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor Literature and Society |
University of Groningen | Netherlands | Bachelor | BSc Computing Science |
Stony Brook University | United States | Master | MSc Quantitative Finance-Applied Math & Stat |
University of Debrecen | Hungary | Bachelor | BSc Computer Science |
ESSEC Business School | France | Bachelor | Global BBA |
Grenoble Ecole de Management | France | Bachelor | Bachelor in International Business (BIB) |
University of Lucerne | Switzerland | Master | Master in Law |
University of Klagenfurt | Austria | Bachelor | Bachelor Robotics and Artificial Intelligence |
University of Hannover | Germany | Master | MSc Economics and Management |
Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master | MSc Economics and Finance |
TUM ! | Germany | Master | MSc Mathematical Finance and Actuarial Science |
University of Belgrade | Serbia | Language courses | Serbian Language program |
TU Eindhoven | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor Computer Science and Engineering |
University of Pavia | Italy | Foundation | Foundation Year Program |
University of Londion | United Kingdom | BBA | Bachelor in Business Administration online |
Goethe business school | Germany | Master | MBA in Pharma |
EU Business School | Spain | Executive MBA | Executive MBA |
Berlin international university of applied sciences | Germany | Bachelor | Bachelor in Digital Business & Management |
Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Foundation | Foundation Year Program |
Saarland University | Germany | Master | Master European and International Law |
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin | Germany | Master | Master International Finance |
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Foundation | Foundation Year Program |
Goethe University Frankfurt | Germany | Master | Master of Science in Money and Finance |
University of Tübingen | Germany | Master | MSc in Economics and Finance |
Politecnico di Torino | Italy | Master | MSc Civil Engineering |
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) | Switzerland | Master | Master in Financial Engineering |
Studienkolleg Hamburg | Germany | Studienkolleg | Studienkolleg |
University of Warwick | United Kingdom | Bachelor | BSc Management |
Ca' Foscari University of Venice | Italy | Bachelor | Bachelor in Economics and Business |
University of Innsbruck | Austria | Bachelor | Bachelor in Biology |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Bachelor Economics and Business Economics |
King's College London | United Kingdom | Master | Finance Analytics MSc |
University of Bern | Switzerland | Bachelor | Bachelor in Law |
TU Twente | Netherlands | Master | Master Computer Science |
University of British Columbia Okanagan | Canada | Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science |
The Hague University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor in European and International Law |
Riga Graduate School of Law | Latvia | Bachelor | Bachelor in Law |
TU Twente | Netherlands | Bachelor | Technical Computer Science - Bachelor |
Università di Bologna | Italy | Master | Master Civil Engineering |
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | Bachelor | International Business Studies | |
University of Halle-Wittenberg | Bachelor | Business Economics | |
RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Master | Software Systems Engineering |
GISMA business school | Germany | Bachelor | Business Management |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Civil Engineering |
City University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Civil Engineering |
University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Civil Engineering |
Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Building Sciences and Engineering with the specialism of Building Services Engineering |
Columbia University | United States | Bachelor | Business |
Rotterdam School of Management RSM Erasmus University | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Business Administration |
Tilburg University | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Business Administration |
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Business Administration |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Bachelor Economics and Business Economics |
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Bachelor | Business and Economics |
ESSEC Business School | France | Bachelor | Business |
Paris Institute of Political Studies - 'Sciences Po' (IEP Paris) | France | Bachelor | Business |
ESCP Business School | France | Bachelor | Business |
University of Greenwich | United Kingdom | Master | Water, Waste and Environmental Engineering |
University of Bedfordshire | United Kingdom | Master | Environmental Management |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | United States | Master | City planning |
University of California | United States | Master | City planning |
ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management | Portugal | Master | Finance |
ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management | Portugal | Master | Accounting |
University of Porto | Portugal | Master | Finance |
University of Innsbruck | Austria | Master | Comparative Literature |
University of Vienna | Austria | Master | Linguistics |
Tor Vergata University of Rome | Italy | College preparation | Business |
Ca 'Foscari University of Veni | Italy | College preparation | Business |
Aachen University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master | Nuclear applications |
TU Dortmund | Germany | Master | Physics |
TU Dresden | Germany | Master | Physics |
Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Bachelor | Global humanities |
California State University-Los Angeles | United States | Master | Computer engineering |
King's College | United Kingdom | Master | Machine learning |
University College London | United Kingdom | Master | Machine learning |
Rotterdam School of Management RSM Erasmus University | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Business Administration |
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Bachelor | Business and economics |
Arizona State University | United States | Bachelor | Finance |
Florida Institute of Technology | United States | Master | Aerospace Engineering |
University of Washington | United States | Master | Aeronautics & Astronautics (MSAA) |
Arizona State University | United States | Master | Aerospace Engineering |
Georgia Institute of Technology | United States | Master | Aerospace Engineering |
Georgia Institute of Technology | United States | Master | Environmental Engineering |
Arizona State University | United States | Master | Environmental Engineering |
University of Washington | United States | Master | Occupational Hygiene/Exposure Science |
Florida Institute of Technology | United States | Master | Environmental Science |
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Master | Communication Science |
University of Groningen | Netherlands | Master | Social Media and Society |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Master | Media, Culture & Society |
IE Business School | Spain | Master | Strategic Marketing and Communication |
Northwestern University | United States | Master | MFA in Directing |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Bachelor Economics and Business Economics |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Economics and Business Economics |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Business |
ESSEC Business School | France | Bachelor | Global Bachelor Business Administration |
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management | Germany | Bachelor | Business Administration (BSc) |
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences | Germany | College preparation | T-Kurs |
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences | Germany | College preparation | T-Kurs |
University of Kassel | Germany | College preparation | T-Kurs |
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Master | Digital Economy |
USC Rossier | United States | Master | Master of Education in Postsecondary Administration and Student Affairs |
Boston University | United States | Master | Master of Education in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies PreK-12 |
University of Washington | United States | Master | Master of Education in Leadership in Higher Education |
Johns Hopkins University | United States | Bachelor | Biology |
University of Chicago | United States | Bachelor | Biology |
University of Maryland college park | United States | Bachelor | Biology |
University of Arizona | United States | Bachelor | Biology |
University of California-Irvine | United States | Bachelor | Biology |
University of Groningen | Netherlands | Master | Applied Physics |
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick Campus | United States | Bachelor | Finance |
University of Debrecen | Hungary | Bachelor | Chemical engineering |
Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (HSRW) | Germany | Bachelor | Bioengineering |
Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria | Bachelor | Chemistry and Chemical Technology |
EADA business school | Spain | Master | Marketing |
University of New Orleans | United States | Master | Directing |
SRH Hochschule Berlin | Germany | Master | Computer science |
University of Winnipeg | Canada | Master | Web Technology |
NHL University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Master | Information Technology |
Heidelberg University | Germany | College preparation | M-Kurs |
Technical University of Munich | Germany | College preparation | M-Kurs |
University of Vienna | Austria | Language course (at University) | Biology |
University of Graz | Austria | Language course (at University) | Biology |
University of Bamberg | Germany | Bachelor | Psychology |
The University of Texas at Austin | United States | Master | MBA |
Babson College | United States | Master | MBA |
Emory University | United States | Master | MBA |
Erasmus School of Economics | Netherlands | Bachelor | Business economics |
Rotterdam School of Management RSM Erasmus University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Business |
Technical University of Dresden Vietnam | Germany | College preparation | W-Kurs |
University of Hildesheim | Germany | College preparation | W-Kurs |
University of Bonn | Germany | Master | Computer Science |
EADA Business School | Spain | Master | Management |
Geneva Business School | Spain | Master | Management |
GBSB Global Business School | Spain | Master | Management |
University of Oldenburg | Germany | College preparation | T-Kurs |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | College preparation | T-Kurs |
Coburg University of Applied Sciences (FH Coburg) | Germany | College preparation | T-Kurs |
Freie Universität Berlin | Germany | College preparation | G-Kurs |
University of Bayreuth | Germany | College preparation | G-Kurs |
University of Erfurt | Germany | College preparation | G-Kurs |
Guildhouse School | United Kingdom | College preparation | A level |
The Worthgate School | United Kingdom | College preparation | A level |
d'Overbroeck's: Independent school in Oxford | United Kingdom | College preparation | A level |
Ecole Jeannine Manuel - Lille | France | College preparation | IB |
CATS London | United Kingdom | College preparation | A level |
University of Freiburg | Germany | Master | Neuroscience |
University of Oldenburg | Germany | Master | Neuroscience |
University of Debrecen | Hungary | Master | Medicine |
University of Szeged | Hungary | Master | Medicine |
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg | Germany | Master | Neuroscience |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Bachelor Economics and Business Economics |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Economics and Business Economics |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Business |
essec | France | Bachelor | Global Bachelor Business Administration |
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management | Germany | Bachelor | Business Administration (BSc) |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Psychology |
Webster University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Psychology |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Civil Engineering |
Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development |
Utrecht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Economics and Business Economics |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | College preparation | Biology |
San Francisco State University | United States | College preparation | Psychology |
ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Bachelor | Computer science |
University of Bern | Switzerland | Bachelor | Computer science |
Technical University of Munich | Germany | Bachelor | Computer science |
RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Bachelor | Computer science |
Freie Universität Berlin | Germany | Bachelor | Computer science |
Yale University | United States | Master | History |
University of Pennsylvania | United States | Master | Liberal arts |
Columbia University | United States | Master | Film and media |
Technical University of Berlin | Germany | Master | Computer science |
Technical University of Berlin | Germany | Master | Computer science |
Bauhaus University Weimar | Germany | Master | Reflective Urban Practice |
Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master | Integrated Design |
Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master | Sustainable Landscape Design and Development |
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | Media and Information |
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Bachelor | Business and Economics |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | European Law School |
University of Hamburg | Germany | College preparation | М-курс |
Technical University of Munich | Germany | College preparation | М-курс |
University of Applied Sciences of Carinthia | Austria | Bachelor | Intercultural Management |
The University of Klagenfurt | Austria | Bachelor | English and American Studies |
Singapore Institute of Management | Singapore | Bachelor | Economics |
Singapore University of Social Sciences | Singapore | Bachelor | Finance |
Curtin University Singapore | Singapore | Bachelor | Commerce |
Newcastle university singapore | Singapore | Bachelor | Commerce |
Middle East Technical University | Turkey | Master | Information Systems |
Cankaya University | Turkey | Master | Computer Engineering |
Philip University in Marburg | Germany | Master | Software Systems Engineering |
University of Bamberg | Germany | Master | International Software Systems Science |
Technische Universität Darmstadt | Germany | Master | Computer science |
Bauhaus University Weimar | Germany | Bachelor | Architecture |
RWTH Aachen University | Germany | Bachelor | Architecture |
Technical University of Berlin | Germany | Bachelor | Architecture |
Università degli Studi di Roma - Tor Vergata | Italy | Bachelor | Global governance |
University of British Columbia | Canada | Master | Computer science |
University of California | United States | Master | Computer science |
Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria | Bachelor | International Business administration |
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Bachelor | Business and economics |
Technische Universität Darmstadt | Germany | Master | Physics |
University of Toronto | Canada | Bachelor | Computer science |
Università degli Studi di Roma - Tor Vergata | Italy | College preparation | Business |
Ca' Foscari University of Venice | Italy | College preparation | Business |
Erasmus School of Economics | Netherlands | Bachelor | Economics and Business Economics |
University of Hamburg | Germany | Master | Politics, Economics, Philosophy |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Psychology |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Biomedical science |
University of Twente | Netherlands | College preparation | Chemical engineering |
University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Civil Engineering | |
City University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Civil Engineering | |
University of Alberta | Canada | Bachelor | Computer science |
Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria | Master | Physics |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Environmental Management and Technology |
University of Innsbruck | Austria | Master | Linguistics |
Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria | Bachelor | Artificial Intelligence |
Freie Universität Berlin | Germany | College preparation | T-Kurs |
Leibniz University Hannover | Germany | College preparation | T-Kurs |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | College preparation | T-Kurs |
Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria | Bachelor | Artificial Intelligence |
The University of Klagenfurt | Austria | Bachelor | Artificial Intelligence and Robotics |
University of Oldenburg | Germany | Master | Neurocognitive Psychology |
Goethe University Frankfurt | Germany | Master | Interdisciplinary Neuroscience |
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Master | Economics |
Esslingen University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master | DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT IN AUTOMOTIVE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING |
Deggendorf Institute of Technology | Germany | Master | Mechatronic and Cyber-Physical Systems |
ICN Business School | France | Master | Supply chain management and purchasing |
SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master | Supply Chain Management |
Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria | Bachelor | Artificial Intelligence |
Studienkolleg München | Germany | College preparation | |
Heidelberg Universität | Germany | College preparation | |
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Bachelor | Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften |
Universität Graz | Austria | Bachelor | Betriebswirtschaft |
University of Bologna | Italy | Bachelor | International studies |
University of Padua | Italy | Bachelor | Italian Medieval and Renaissance Studies |
Ca' Foscari University of Venice | Italy | Bachelor | Ancient Civilizations for the Contemporary World |
University of Florida | United States | Bachelor | Aerospace Engineering |
University of Central Florida | United States | Bachelor | Aerospace Engineering |
University at Buffalo | United States | Bachelor | Aerospace Engineering |
Seattle Central College | United States | Bachelor | Aerospace Engineering |
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | United States | Bachelor | Certificate program in Acting |
Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute | United States | Bachelor | One Year Professional Acting Conservatory |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | College preparation | |
University of Graz | Austria | College preparation | |
TU Dresden | Germany | College preparation | |
University of California-San Diego | United States | Bachelor | Molecular and cell biology |
Aachen University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Master | Nuclear applications |
IÉSEG School of Management | France | Bachelor | Business |
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg | Germany | Master | |
emlyon business school | France | Bachelor | BBA |
Jönköping University | Sweden | Bachelor | International Management |
University of Applied Sciences in Bingen | Germany | Master | Environmental Sustainability |
American College of Thessaloniki | Greece | Bachelor | Business Administration |
King's College London | United Kingdom | College preparation | Business management |
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Master | Digital Economy |
LISAA School of Design | France | Bachelor | Fashion Design |
POLIMODA Fashion Design School | Italy | College preparation | Fashion Design |
LCI Barcelona Higher School of Design | Spain | Bachelor | Fashion Design |
London Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design | United Kingdom | College preparation | Fashion Design |
European Institute of Design (IED) | Spain | College preparation | Fashion Design |
Paris Institute of Political Studies - 'Sciences Po' (IEP Paris) | France | Bachelor | Humanities and social sciences |
Brussels School of Governance | Belgium | Bachelor | International Affairs |
Webster University | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Relations |
Leiden University | Netherlands | Bachelor | International studies |
Schiller International University | France | Bachelor | International Relations and Diplomacy |
Constructor University | Germany | College preparation | Engineering |
Technische Universität Darmstadt | Germany | Master | Mechanics |
TU Dresden | Germany | Master | Computational Modeling and Simulation |
University of Stuttgart | Germany | Master | Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures |
Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (HSRW) | Germany | Master | Mechanical Engineering |
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | Germany | Master | Computational Engineering |
Università degli Studi di Roma - Tor Vergata | Italy | College preparation | Humanities |
University of Pavia | Italy | College preparation | Humanities |
University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Bachelor | International Business |
King's College London | United Kingdom | Bachelor | International Business |
ESCP Business School | France | Bachelor | Management |
Humanities and social sciences | |||
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | Economics and Business Economics |
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | Economics and Business Economics |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Economics and Business Economics |
Bocconi University | Italy | Bachelor | International Economics and Management |
Bocconi University | Italy | Bachelor | International Economics and Finance |
ESADA | Spain | Bachelor | Business Administration |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Science |
University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science |
Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Bachelor | Aerospace Engineering |
Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Bachelor | Computer Science and Engineering |
École Polytechnique Paris | France | Bachelor | Double major in Mathematics & Computer Science |
New York Film School | United States | Professional course | Photography |
Pratt Institute | United States | Professional course | Photography & Video Production |
RMIT University | Australia | Professional course | Photography and Digital Imaging |
University College London (UCL) | United Kingdom | Master | Data Science and Machine Learning |
King's College London | United Kingdom | Master | Artificial Intelligence |
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Master | Information Studies: Data Science |
University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Master | Artificial Intelligence |
Queen Mary University London | United Kingdom | Master | Artificial Intelligence |
St. George’s The British International School - Munich | Switzerland | Secondary education | |
International School of Geneva | Switzerland | Secondary education | |
Trinity School Private School | NYC | United States | Secondary education | |
Capilano University | Canada | Bachelor | Motion Picture |
University of York | Canada | Bachelor | Cinema & Media Arts - Screenwriting |
Loyola Marymount University | United States | Bachelor | Screenwriting |
California State University, Northridge | United States | Bachelor | Cinema and Television Arts, Screenwriting |
New York Film Academy | United States | Bachelor | Screenwriting |
Boston University | United States | Bachelor | Mechanical Engineering |
Northeastern University Boston | United States | Bachelor | Mechanical Engineering |
Hofstra University | United States | Bachelor | Computer Science |
University of Limerick | Ireland | Bachelor | Computer systems |
Munster Technological University | Ireland | Bachelor | Information Technology |
Toronto Metropolitan University | Canada | Bachelor | Computer Science |
Polytechnic University of Turin | Italy | Master | Civil Engineering |
University of Bologna | Italy | Master | Civil Engineering |
TU Dortmund | Germany | Master | Mechanics of Sustainable Materials and Structures |
TU Dresden | Germany | Master | ACCESS - Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies |
Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg – BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) | Germany | Master | URBAN DESIGN AND SUSTAINABLE REVITALIZATION |
University of Illinois Chicago | United States | Bachelor | Architecture |
Florida State University | United States | Bachelor | Architecture |
University at Buffalo | United States | Bachelor | Architecture |
McGill University | Canada | Bachelor | Architecture |
University College Cork | Ireland | Bachelor | Architecture |
Dublin University College | Ireland | Bachelor | Architecture |
University of Newcastle upon Tyne | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Architecture |
Hong Kong Baptist University | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Computer Science |
Lingnan University | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Computer Science |
City University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Data Science |
Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Computer Science |
KAIST | South Korea | Bachelor | Computer Science |
Canadian University of Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor | Computer Science |
University of Birmingham Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor | Computer Science |
University of Wollongong Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor | Computer Science |
Heriot-Watt University Dubai | United Arab Emirates | Bachelor | Computer Science |
Sejong University | South Korea | Bachelor | Computer Science |
GISMA business school | Germany | Master | International business management |
Arden University, Study Center Berlin | Germany | Master | Strategic Human Resource Management |
BSBI | Germany | Master | Global Human Resources Management |
University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) | Germany | Master | International Business Management |
Steinbus university Berlin | Germany | Master | HR change management |
University of Passau | Germany | Master | Computer Science |
Chemnitz University of Technology | Germany | Master | Web Engineering |
University of Konstanz | Germany | Master | Computer and Information Science |
Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | Bachelor | Data science |
University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | Business analytics |
Wilfrid Laurier University | Canada | Bachelor | Computer science |
Ca' Foscari University of Venice | Italy | College preparation | Science |
University of Pavia | Italy | College preparation | Science |
Goldsmith University of London | United Kingdom | Master | Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship: Music Pathway |
Nottingham Trent University | United Kingdom | Master | Music Business |
King's College London | United Kingdom | College preparation | Business Management & Social Science |
University College London (UCL) | United Kingdom | College preparation | UCL Undergraduate Preparatory Certificate for the Humanities (UPCH) |
City University of London | United Kingdom | College preparation | Business and Economics with Accounting |
HEC Business School | France | Master | Marketing |
EDHEC Business School | France | Master | Marketing Analytics |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Master | Marketing |
SKEMA Business School | France | Master | International Marketing and Business Development |
ESCP Business School | France | Master | Strategy and Digital Business |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Faculty of Law | Hong Kong | Master | LLM in Energy and Environmental Law |
Istanbul Medipol University | Turkey | Bachelor | Public Relations And Advertising |
Istanbul Aydın University | Turkey | Bachelor | English Language and Literature |
Okan University | Turkey | Bachelor | Translation and Interpreting in English |
Hotel School The Hague | Netherlands | Bachelor | Hospitality Management |
EADA - Business School Barcelona | Spain | Bachelor | Bachelor in Business Administration |
IQS business school | Spain | Bachelor | Tourism and Hospitality Management |
University of Cologne | Germany | Master | Social and Cultural Anthropology |
University of Vienna | Austria | Master | Science-Technology-Society |
Bielefeld University | Germany | Master | Sociology |
University of Oldenburg | Germany | Master | Social Sciences |
Leuphana University of Lüneburg | Germany | Master | Culture & Organization | Leuphana |
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems | Austria | Bachelor | Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology |
Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria | Bachelor | Biological Chemistry |
EADA - Business School Barcelona | Netherlands | Bachelor | Hospitality Management |
Hotel School The Hague | Netherlands | Bachelor | Bachelor in Business Administration |
IQS Ramon Llull University | Spain | Bachelor | Tourism and Hospitality Management |
University of Regensburg | Germany | Master | European Studies |
University of Flensburg | Germany | Master | European Studies |
Goethe University Frankfurt | Germany | Master | Comparative Democracy |
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Business Administration |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | Economics and Business Economics |
IE University | Spain | Bachelor | Business Administration |
Bocconi University | Italy | Bachelor | International Economics and Management |
University of Surrey | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Computer science |
University of British Columbia | Canada | Bachelor | Computer science |
Utrecht University | Netherlands | Master | Law and Technology in Europe |
Swansea University | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Biochemistry and Genetics |
University of Portsmouth | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Biochemistry |
Utrecht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences |
Maastricht University | Netherlands | Bachelor | Science Programme |
Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria | Bachelor | Biological Chemistry |
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Austria | Bachelor | Business and Economics |
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria | Austria | College preparation | Business |
Southern California Institute of Architecture | United States | Master | Architecture |
Yale University | United States | Master | Architecture |
Southern California Institute of Architecture | United States | Master | Architecture |
Yale University | United States | Master | Architecture |
Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Master | Political Science |
University of Saskatchewan | Canada | Master | Political Studies |
Thompson Rivers University | Canada | Master | Human Rights and Social Justice |
University of Windsor | Canada | Master | Political Science |
Webster Vienna Private University | Austria | Bachelor | Management (Emphasis in Marketing or International Business) |
Modul University Vienna | Austria | College preparation | Business |
FH Kärnten | Austria | Bachelor | Digital Marketing & Sales |
FH Upper Austria | Austria | College preparation | Business |
McDaniel College Budapest | Hungary | College preparation | медицина |
University of Debrecen | Hungary | Bachelor | медицина |
University of Pecs | Hungary | Bachelor | медицина |
Paracelsus Medical University | Austria | College preparation | медицина |
Medical University of Graz | Austria | College preparation | медицина |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | Economics and Business Economics |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Bachelor | International Business Administration |
University of Debrecen | Hungary | Bachelor | Commerce and Marketing |
Corvinus University of Budapest | Hungary | Bachelor | Business and Management |
University of Pannonia | Hungary | Bachelor | Business Administration and Management |
James Cook University | Australia | Bachelor | Marine Biology |
University of Southampton | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Marine Biology |
Wageningen University & Research | Netherlands | Bachelor | Marine Biology |
University of Liverpool | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Marine Biology |
University of Newcastle upon Tyne | United Kingdom | Bachelor | Marine Biology |
The Hague University of Applied sciences | Netherlands | College preparation | Business |
University of Twente | Netherlands | College preparation | Business |
Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Архитектура |
City University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Архитектура |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Bachelor | Архитектура |
CEU | Spain | Bachelor | Архитектура |
Polytechnic University of Milan | Italy | Bachelor | Архитектура |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Master | Artificial Intelligence and Robotics |
City University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Master | Computer Science |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Hong Kong | Master | Big Data Technology |
Polytechnic university of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Master | Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Computing |
EU Business school | Spain | Master | Marketing |
Luiss Business School | Italy | Master | Marketing Management |
Montpellier Business School | France | Master | Digital Marketing & Omnichannel Strategy |
Roma Business School | Italy | Master | Marketing |
ESEI International Business School in Barcelona | Spain | Master | Marketing and Communication |
ESADE business school | Spain | Bachelor | Business Administration |
IQS business school | Spain | Bachelor | International Business |
EADA Business School | Spain | Bachelor | Business Administration |
EAE Business School | Spain | Bachelor | Business Administration and Management |
Pompeu Fabra University | Spain | Bachelor | International Business Economics |
Breda University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands | Bachelor | |
american univeristy in Paris | France | Bachelor | Computer Science |
Carleton University | Canada | Master | Political Science |
University of Florida | United States | Bachelor | Business Administration |
University of Michigan | United States | Master | LLM |