The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) is the largest educational center in Russia. More than 450 contracts with foreign partner universities allow to successfully implement joint training programs. The Presidential Academy is often called the "forge of ministers", Defense Minister S.K. Shoigu and Chairman of the Court of Auditors A.V. Kudrin attended RANEPA for retraining.

Moscow, Russia
Establishment year
International students
Acceptance rate

Place in ratings

By subject
SubjectPlace in QS 2024
Social Sciences & Management401-450

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Российский Университет Дружбы Народов
The RANEPA includes 14 structural departments. The history of the educational center began in 2010 after merging of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with the Academy of National Economy. The institution structure acquired 12 more universities.

The RANEPA network includes 54 universities, in which more than 80000 people study. Students from the regions can use the right to transfer to one of the Moscow institutes or faculties if there are free seats on the program. Information about vacancies is published in the appropriate section on the official website of the university and on the sites branches.

Academy subdivisions

NameName in RussianPhoneEmail
Institute of Business Studies (IBS)Институт бизнеса и делового администрирования (ИБДА)#+7 (495) 937-07-47[email protected]
Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service (IPACS)Институт государственной службы и управления
#+7 (499) 956-03-20[email protected]
Institute for Social Sciences (ISS)Институт общественных наук (ИОН)#+ 7 (495) 433-25-62[email protected]
Institute of Industry Management (IIM)Институт отраслевого менеджмента (ИОМ)#+7 (495) 434-50-48[email protected]
Institute of Economics, Mathematics and Information Technology (EMIT)Институт экономики, математики и информационных технологий (ЭМИТ)#+7 (495) 933-80-04[email protected]
Graduate School of Public Administration (GSPA)Институт "Высшая Школа Государственного Управления" (ВШГУ)#+7 (499) 956-98-01[email protected]
Institute of Law and National Security (ILNS)Институт права и национальной безопасности (ИПНБ)#+7 (499) 956-06-23[email protected]
Institute of Management and Regional Development (IMRD)Институт управления и регионального развития (ИУРР)#+7 (499) 956-98-65[email protected]
Institute of Finance and Sustainable Development (IFSD)Институт финансов и устойчивого развития (ИФУР)#+7 (499) 956-94-62[email protected]
Graduate School of Corporate Management (GSCM)Факультет "Высшая Школа Корпоративного Управления" (ВШКУ)#+7 (495) 937-02-99[email protected]
Higher School of Finance and Management (SHFM)Факультет "Высшая Школа Финансов и Менеджмента" (ВШФМ)#+7 (495) 434-00-56[email protected]
Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (FESS)Факультет экономических и социальных наук (ФЭСН)#+7 (495) 434-35-31[email protected]
Department of Finance and Banking (DFB)Факультет финансов и банковского дела (ФФБ)#+7 (495) 433-25-91[email protected]
Federal Education Development InstituteФедеральный институт развития образования (ФИРО)#+7 (499) 956-94-91[email protected]

Training programs

ProgramInstitute, facultyCost per yearSeats, paid internationalState-funded quota
Applied Computer ScienceEMIT2,890 USD10yes
Quality Management / InnovaticsIMRD1,703 USD10-
PsychologyISS2,477 USD10-
EconomicsEMIT, IPACS, DFB, IMRD, IFSD3,096 USD60yes
ManagementIBS, ISS, SHFM, FESS, IFSD, IIM3,096 USD75yes
A complete list of bachelor’s programs

ProgramInstitute, facultyCost per yearSeats, paid internationalState-funded quota
HR ManagementIPACS, IBS3,096 USD10-
State and Municipal AdministrationIPACS, ILNS, IFSD3,303 USD60yes
Business InformaticsEMIT2,941 USD15-
TradeIIM, GSCM2,993 USD5-
SociologyISS2,673 USD10-
LawILNS, IPACS3,509 USD30yes
Foreign Regional StudiesIPACS, IBS, ISS3,303 USD30yes
Russian Regional StudiesIPACS2,993 USD20-
Political ScienceISS2,838 USD10-
International RelationsIBS, IMRD, IFSD3,303 USD10yes
Public Policy and Social SciencesISS2,993 USD5-
Advertising and Public RelationsIIM, ISS3,406 USD10yes
JournalismISS, IPACS3,096 USD20yes
ServiceIIM3,096 USD5-
HistoryISS2,673 USD5-
Arts and HumanitiesISS2,529 USD5-
DesignISS3,870 USD5-

Specialist degree programs

ProgramInstitute, facultyCost per yearSeats, paid internationalState-funded quota
Organizational PsychologyISS2,560 USD / 3,076 USD5-
Economic SecurityILNS2,993 USD5-
Customs AffairsILNS2,993 USD


Legal Support of National SecurityILNS2,993 USD5-
Judicial and Economic SecurityILNS2,993 USD5-

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Advantages of studying at the RANEPA

  • Prestigious diploma. Megafon, Loreal, Gazprombank, VTB 24 and other large companies gladly hire applicants with a diploma of RANEPA. In 2017, the university took 3rd place in the ranking according to the number of graduates among top managers in the largest companies of the Russian Federation[1]. RANEPA is the leader in the rating[2] in the quality of managerial staff training.
  • Training for civil service. The university implements more than 100 programs of higher and additional education for the training of government workers at the federal and municipal levels. In 2018, Russian government included 11 students and graduates of the RANEPA[3].
  • International connections. RANEPA has established partnership agreements with educational institutions from 60 countries. RANEPA students can participate in international internships, receive a foreign diploma in one of the foreign-language programs that follow the international standard. For example, the Kingston IHRM (International Human Resource Management) Masters Program is accredited by the largest professional association in Europe CIPD.
  • Language training. Students of most faculties from the 1st year spend up to 12 academic hours per week on learning English. At the 2-3 year, another foreign language is added to the program. As part of the development of the bilingual environment, teachers are often native speakers. Thanks to this approach, students successfully complete modules taught by foreign teachers.
  • Developing soft skills. During training at the RANEPA, students have the opportunity to simultaneously master additional competencies that increase competitiveness in the labor market. Meetings with speakers at the Cultural Affairs club, master classes from industry leaders as part of the Medialoft project, volunteering initiatives at the Gaidar Forum and other events give participants a chance to develop useful practical skills.
Disadvantages of RANEPA

  • High competition and passing scores for state-funded seats. RANEPA is one of the most popular universities in the country. For some programs, the competition is more than 70 people per seat. As for international applicants, the number of seats available is limited both for state-funded and fee-paying places. To be admitted one has to go through a tough competition.
  • Cost of education. The average price of a year of study for bachelor’s programs is 3,096 USD. There are programs that cost up to 6,296 USD. If you add the cost of living in Moscow, the total sum will become even more impressive.

Requirements for admission

International students are eligible to apply both within the quota (state-funded places in particular programs) and in general order (state-funded or fee-paying in all the programs). However there are some limitations on the admission right depending on the applicant’s citizenship. Check the details here.

Application process for foreign citizens on a quota basis

  1. Filing documents and applications. The full list of documents and application form are published on the official website of the Academy. Documents must be translated into Russian and notarized.
  2. Passing an entrance exam. Conducted in the form of a personal interview at the Academy. It is allowed to pass this stage via Skype, if the technical conditions allow to establish the identity of the candidate.
  3. Getting the selection results. The selection committee reports the results of the exams (recommendation/refusal of admission). In case of a positive decision, it is necessary to send a statement of consent to study to the Academy.
  4. Arrival to studies. Before the start of the course, it is necessary to apply for a visa or extend an existing one, obtain medical insurance, register at the migration office, and attend to other issues related to education and accommodation.
Admission stageDates[4]
Start of the application processFebruary 11
Deadline for submitting documentsApril 30
Passing an entrance exam in the form of interviewFebruary 18 – June 20

Admission of foreign citizens on a general basis

For admission on a paid basis, it is necessary to submit the documents, then pass examinations in 2 subjects in RANEPA or provide the results of the USE (depends on the citizenship and the choice of the applicant). Documents must be translated into Russian and notarized. The deadlines for submitting, passing tests and admission are the same as for Russian applicants.

Admission stageDates[4]
Start of the application processJune 19
Deadline for those applying by results of the USEJuly 26
Deadline for those applying by results of the RANEPA examsJuly 10
Passing RANEPA entrance examsJuly 11 – July 26
Deadlines for submitting consent1, 6, 14 August
Enrollment3, 8, 16 August

How to prepare for admission

Russian as a Foreign Language10 months2,064 USDRussian Language, Literature, Country Studies, Geography, Russian World, Computer Science
Russian as a Foreign Language (intensive)5 months2,890 USDRussian Language, Literature, Country Studies, Geography
Summer School of Russian2 weeks361 USDRussian Language and Culture
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Scholarship programs and grants of RANEPA

Foreign students studying within a state-funded quota get the state academic scholarship (about 21 USD monthly) regardless of their academic performance. Full-time international students that got admitted in general order get the same scholarship, the amount of which varies depending on the student’s academic performance in the previous semester:

RequirementsAmount, per month
Only "excellent" grades27 USD
"Excellent" and "good" grades22 USD
Only "good" grades18 USD

There is also a higher state scholarship granted to students demonstrating significant achievements in academic, research, social, cultural or sports activities. The exact sums depend on the year of study and kind of activities (from 37 USD to 83 USD per month).

In addition to paying state scholarships, the RANEPA encourages talented students with the assistance of partner companies. Gazprombank, British Petroleum and the Board of Trustees of the Presidential Academy annually select more than 50 students. The amount of monthly nominal scholarships ranges from 103 USD to 361 USD.

Career development

Center Development Center actively helps with employment, development of business relations with partners of the RANEPA. The university supports students in building a career before graduation by giving advice on choosing a profession and creating a CV, organizing internships, and work related to the area of studies during the summer holidays. Read More

More than 50 companies are partnered with the Presidential Academy. They are interested in employing students who have proved themselves during various forums, case-championships, and presentations. Among the partners of the RANEPA are several leading banks, international companies and, of course, government agencies (the Government of Moscow, Court of Auditors of the Russian Federation, the Federal Treasury, etc.).

The electronic job fair has been held since 2017. For 1 day, the website contains resumes of Academy students and vacancies from potential employers. In 2018, companies made about 1,500 job offers, a quarter of which were accepted by students. According to the results of the fair, lists of the most sought-after students and employers are published. Website

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International exchange programs

Presidential Academy implements more than 100 international exchange programs in bachelor’s and master’s levels. Students of the RANEPA Graduate School of Corporate Management are studying at University Bielefeld (Germany), ISS cooperates with Leiden University (Netherlands), FESS offers students training at the oldest university – University of Pisa (Italy). Detailed information on current programs is published on the websites of faculties and institutes.

To study at one of the foreign universities, you need to demonstrate excellent academic performance, fluency in a foreign language and go through several stages of selection (blitz interviews, interviews). According to the results of the competition, the best students go to study for one semester to one of the partner universities. Programs include monthly scholarships, travel expenses, accommodation and meals. Detailed information about the international exchange programs is published on the official websites of the RANEPA departments.

Double degree programs

At the RANEPA, several double degree programs are accredited by the prestigious associations of the world. The international composition of teachers and a combination of different international approaches to teaching are the main advantages of these programs. In case of successful completion of the course, graduates receive a diploma of the RANEPA and a diploma of a foreign partner university. Some popular programs are:

Program nameInstitute/Faculty of RANEPAPartner countryFormatDuration of studyCost per year
Global LeadershipISSUnited Kingdom, Italy, USAMaster's program + MBA / MPA (taught in English)2 years7,500 USD
International managementIBSFrance, Brazil, USA, ChinaMaster's program + MBA (taught in English)2 years6,000-10,500 USD
Executive MBAGSCMChina, USA, BelgiumMBA2 years17,673 USD+ 5,160 USD
Double Degree MBARANEPA


MBA21 months15,967 USD + 2,838 USD
EMBA Financial Control and Public AuditDFBFranceMBA (Russian-French)1 year4,134 USD + 4,335 USD
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Most training takes place in one of the 9 buildings located on Vernadsky Prospect, near the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station. Except 3 dormitories, the rest of the facilities are located on the territory of the Academy's main campus:

  • Library. Students can get all the literature necessary for preparation in one of the academic libraries located in buildings 1 and 5 or using the electronic library through the website. The fund has more than 7 million books. Students in the Academy's branches also get access to literature.
  • Dormitories. The school’s special pride is 4 comfortable, modern dorms, one of which is not inferior in level to a 4-star hotel. Nonresident and foreign students have rooms for up to 3 people, a refrigerator, equipped kitchens, Wi-Fi, separate rooms for preparing for classes. The cost of living starts from 14 USD per month.
  • Sports complex. From the 1st to the 3rd year, students must undergo sports training in one of the sections of the Academy. After 5pm, students have free access to the pool, games, gyms and fitness rooms, saunas, and, in summer, outdoor areas.
  • Nutrition. In all buildings of the educational institution there are cafeterias and canteens. In total, there are 10 catering points on the territory of the RANEPA with a varied menu and prices.
Campus Type

Student life

Activities. In addition to classes, students participate in various events organized by the Academy: Cultural Affairs club, Medialoft, KVN, the famous New Year's ball. A busy student life opens up opportunities for the development of organizational abilities, creativity, oratory and other soft skills. Participation in these activities requires the luxury of spare time, which not all students can afford.

Gaidar forum. The annual forum, organized by RANEPA since 2010, is dedicated to issues of political, economic and social development. More than 500 students of the Academy participate in the international event as volunteers. On the final day, the youngest participants perform, among whom are RANEPA students. Read More

Summer campus. One of the most significant annual student life events. Since 2012, students from different cities and countries come to Kazan to attend the international leadership school. The format of the event is presented by trainings and master classes from teachers and experts in various fields. More details Video

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Interesting facts

  • In 2018, 55 RANEPA graduates were included in the rating of “Top 1000 Russian Managers”[5].
  • In 2018, Forbes magazine placed RANEPA in the 2nd place in the ranking of Russian universities[6]. The study took into account the quality of educational services, the quality of graduates (statistics on employment and demand) and the Forbes factor (biographies of representatives of the state and business elite). The Academy surpassed in the overall classification such eminent universities as Moscow State University, MGIMO, MISiS.
  • RANEPA has AMBA accreditation that is the sign of the world-class quality standard of business education.
  • The total area where the Academy objects are located is more than 20 hectares.

Famous graduates

  • Valentina Matvienko – Chairman of the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation (2011 – present);
  • Vyacheslav. Volodin – Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (2016 – present),
  • Anton Siluanov – Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation (2011 – present);
  • Sergey Kiriyenko – First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration (2016 – present);
  • Alexei Kudrin – Chairman of the Accounts Cnamber (2018 – present);
  • Veronika Skvortsova – Director of the Federal Biomedical Agency (2020 – present), Minister of Health of the Russian Federation (2012 – 2020);
  • Viktor Chernomyrdin – Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (1993 – 1998), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Ukraine (2001 – 2009);
  • Sergey Shoigu – Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (2012 – present);
  • Svetlana Zhurova – First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for International Affairs (2013 – present);
  • Svetlana Khorkina – Assistant to the Control Department of the President of the Russian Federation (2012 – present).

A complete list of well-known graduates

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Student reviews of RANEPA

Pros. Students most often note the prestige of the university, the professionalism of teachers, an eventful student life, comfortable dormitories. A great advantage of education at the RANEPA is practicing teachers. For example, at economic faculties, top managers from large companies are involved in evaluating students' business plans; practicing lawyers and law students take cases together with students.

Cons. Students criticize the university for the poor organization of the educational process (lack of classrooms, incompetent work of deans), the low level of training of students, boring lectures on general subjects. Students in Humanities note excessive requirements in mathematical disciplines, because of which some students are expelled from the first year.

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