You can apply to a foreign university on your own. For those who want to try their hand, we have prepared detailed country guides. But in the case of going abroad, experience is better than theory.
Our experts have enrolled more than 4,000 students — including at universities such as Stanford, Sorbonne, and the Technical University of Munich. We know exactly how to choose the programs that are right for you and prepare the perfect package of documents.
We understand the peculiarities of admission to different countries and universities: what the admission committee pays attention to, how to properly present oneself in the USA or Japan, what is better to write in a motivation letter for a bachelor's degree or a master's degree, and so on.
UniPage mentors literally live in the world of education abroad — they follow the latest news, admission requirements, and visa requirements. It is more difficult to collect this information on your own, due to the lack of access to professional sources.
With UniPage, you get experts in their field who will increase your chances of admission.