
Number of universities
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China is the world's most populous country. It is an extremely diverse country that emerged from an ancient civilization. 56 ethnic groups live on its territory, each with its own customs and national cuisine. The local flavor attracts thousands of tourists and students every year.

Education in China is developing rapidly, as is the country's economy as a whole. Local universities are world leaders in the number of scientific publications. And China also provides many options for grants and scholarships for foreign students.

Learn more about admission and education in China with our series of articles.

Chinese education

  1. Secondary education in China

    Everything about secondary education in China. How the system works, its features, languages of instruction, costs, and admission.

  2. Education in China

    Full information about the Chinese education system: programs, admission process, tuition fees, visa, etc.

  3. Universities in China

    About 500 Chinese universities accept foreign students. Everything you need to know about universities in China — in the article.

  4. Admission process in China

    You can apply to Chinese university after 11th grade but there are age restrictions. We tell about this and other features in the article.

  5. Bachelor's studies in China

    Bachelor's degree in China attracts an increasing number of people. In our article, we will talk about the specifics of studying for a bachelor's degree in China: how the education process is organized, what are the programs and prospects after graduation.

  6. Scholarships in China

    The Chinese government and third-party funds allocate a lot of scholarships and grants, the amount of which fully or partially covers the cost of education. What scholarships are available to foreigners in China and what they require — read the article.

  7. Chinese courses in China

    Everything you need to know about Chinese courses in China: the cost of programs, features of admission and study, types of courses and the most popular language schools.

Best universities in China